Merry Christmas

Christmas is just a few days away. Many will celebrate with family or friends and take advantage of a few days off. Think back to the Christmas's of your past. Which ones stand out as some of the best in your life? I can remember the year my brother and I got a basketball goal. That was back in the day when they didn't make the portable ones like they do now. My dad had to buy a steel pole, dig a whole in the ground, concrete it in, then attach the basketball goal. When you think about all that work it makes me feel bad about how much I complained a few years ago when I spent $100 and 2 hours putting Jonathan's basketball goal together. I can remember the year my brother got a train track and after my dad put it together we played with it for a while. I can remember the first and only video game system my parents bought us back in the 80's; the Colecovision. That was the game system that originated games like Q-Bert & Frogger.

Times have certainly changed since I was a kid; as it has for everyone over the years. Some change we seem to fight. But if we were honest, aren't you glad someone came up with the microwave oven? (Fun Fact: As a teenager I mowed the lawn of the man who was the CEO of Amana when they invented & produced the first microwave oven for home use) But even with all the changes over the years, one thing still remains; Jesus. He is still the reason we celebrate. He is still the greatest gift that's ever been given to mankind.

My greatest memories about Christmas don't center on presents, family gatherings, or Santa Claus. The greatest thing for me is the story of a Savior who came to earth, born in a manger in humble conditions. The entire real-life story is all about God's love for us and his desire to redeem us back to himself. John 3:16 is still true, "For God so loved the world that he gave....." He gave us the greatest gift ever. Let me encourage you to regift Jesus this year. Take that gift given by God and give it again to someone else. Show them the love and compassion of God. That's the greatest gift you could ever give to someone.

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Pastor Mark

Less IS More

I am a person who tends to contemplate a lot. Even when I am trying to take a break, rest, or watch the game, I find myself in a constant state of contemplation. I am constantly evaluating, continuously planning, and consistently considering what could, should, or can be done. My thoughts range from personal, spiritual, and family situations. But mostly my mind is consumed with whether or not I am being effective for God. Is the church effective for God or as effective as God wants it to be? On most days I have far more questions that I do answers.

With all those questions without answers I begin to wonder, "Am I in God's will or in God's way?" In my life I think I've concluded that it's most likely both. When I lay my head on the pillow at night, even with all those questions in my head, I know I am in God's will. But when I look at my role in his will, I also see that I tend to get in the way an awful lot. I am reminded of what John the Baptist said in John 3:30 when Jesus came on the scene and he realized that his role was changing. John said this, "
He must become greater; I must become less." How do we do that? It's so hard, isn't it? I understand the simplicity of the concept; but never has simplicity been so difficult. heart longs for a deep walk with God. I have to become less so that he can become more. I have to relinquish control so that he can steer my life. I have to understand less and learn to trust more. 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells me that in my weakest moments, that is when God makes me strong. 1 Corinthians 1:25 says "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." It's when you and I become less that God can increase in our lives.

This week, why don't you pray John 3:30, "God make me less, so you can become greater." Have a great week!


I know this is probably a stupid question, but here it is anyway. Have you ever made a dumb decision? A decision you wished you could remake or not make at all? I would guess I've done that at least a million times. When I read the newspaper or watch the news I see tons of people who for one reason or another, have made the most unreasonable decisions ever. Most often our bad decisions stem from a lack of wisdom. Wisdom isn't something you pick up at the grocery store with the carrots and toilet tissue. Most people gain their wisdom from what we call the "school of hard knocks." And I would agree that there is a measure of wisdom to learn simply from the mistakes in our lives. But did you realize there is a much better sources of wisdom.

James 1:5 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Amazingly enough, God has given us permission to ask him for wisdom. Not only permission but he is willing to generously make deposits of wisdom into our lives. God of all people, doesn't want us making dumb decisions everyday. He loves us and wants our lives to be blessed. His free gift of wisdom allows us to make better decisions in our families, our jobs, and in our everyday life decisions.

So it all comes down to asking, at least that's what this verse says. If you lack wisdom; ask God! On a weekly basis I find myself asking God for more of his wisdom to lead my family, our church, and my own life. So this holiday season, take advantage of one of the only free gifts available. Ask God for more wisdom and he will give it to you.

Have a great week!


In life there are different types of roadblocks. Don't you hate it when you're talking to someone and you try to remember the name of someone you've known all you life and for some reason you get a mental roadblock? (I tend to live in a state of mental block...ha.ha.) Or even the physical kind where you hit the highway and find out your usual route is blocked and you're required to take a detour. How would you feel if you knew there was someone always planning to block your path, success, blessing, and progress?

Guess what, there is someone who is planning against you. There is someone who is constantly attempting to establish spiritual roadblocks in your life. Satan is constantly trying to close the road to your blessing, your spiritual growth, and God's purpose for your life. I have to remind myself regularly that Satan is continuously working against me. He's a liar, a thief, and an all around jerk! But he is not in control of my ultimate outcome. No matter how many roadblocks he may set up, God can and will tear them down when I ask him too (notice the emphasis is on "asking him"). Ask God to destroy the roadblocks in your life. Take your needs to him. Be persistent! Act on God's Word and expect his promises to come true.

  • Matthew 18:18 "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. (NIV)
  • Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (NIV)
Ask God, according to his will, and he will blast you through the roadblocks in your life! Have a great week!

Pastor Mark

Friends, Critics, & Trolls

This is probably some of the best information about dealing with criticism that I've read in a while. I read it on Michal Hyatt's blog a few weeks ago ( Michael is the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. While this writing was directed toward leaders, I believe there is something for each of us to learn as we lead those around us. Have a GREAT week! __________________________________________________________________________

If you are a leader, you are going to attract critics. It is inevitable. In fact, if you aren’t attracting critics, you should be wondering why. Criticism is normal.

Why? Because real leaders upset the status quo and make people uncomfortable. As Finley Peter Dunne once said about journalists, “Our job is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” The same is true of leaders. Unfortunately, this almost always meets with resistance.

But let’s be honest: criticism hurts. At least it does for me. I’ve been in the public spotlight since my first book, The Millennium Bug, hit the New York Times bestseller list over ten years ago. Writing three more books, becoming a CEO of a large publishing company, and launching a very public blog hasn’t helped.

Theoretically, I know this is just the price you pay. But emotionally, it kills me. It always knocks me off-kilter. You might think I would be past that. But I am not. I obsess about it, spending way more time thinking about it than I should. I wish this wasn’t true, but it is. (Just ask my wife!)

One of the things that has helped me in the past few years is to distinguish between three kinds of critics:

  1. True friends. Not all criticism is bad. God forbid that we should turn a deaf ear to everyone who disagrees with us. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). Some people are in our lives to save us from ourselves. As a leader, the trick is to create an environment that is safe for dissension, so these people can speak up.
  2. Honest critics. Some people decide that they disagree with you and go public. They aren’t malicious. They aren’t out to destroy you. They simply disagree with you. That’s okay. We need to allow for a diversity of opinion. Besides, we might learn something from it. It enriches the conversation. We need to engage these people and refrain from making it personal. Not everyone has to agree with us.
  3. Unhealthy trolls. These people have an agenda. They are out to hurt you—or at least use you for their own ends. They want to lure you into a fight. I have had three this week. They taunt and mock you. They are unreasonable. If you engage them, they will only distract you and deplete your resources. The best thing you can do is ignore them. As someone once said, “resistance only makes them stronger.” You will never satisfy them. Just keep doing what you know you are called to do.

As a leader, you must learn to distinguish between these three. I personally assume that everyone is a friend or an honest critic until they prove other otherwise. I may be naive, but I would rather give people the benefit of the doubt than live a life of paranoia. What about you?

What Is So Important......

I once heard someone say, "Don't allow the urgent things in life to keep you from the important." It made me think because there are so many things we give the title urgent. In reality, a majority of the urgent things are a result of poor planning or lack of forethought. When a project is due and we only have a day left to complete it, we put it on the urgent list (even though we had 4 weeks and procrastinated until the last minute). It's important to take care of our families, be faithful to our commitments, and be people of integrity and character. For this week consider how many urgent things never had to get to that level if they were planned for better.

But let's take it one step further. What is most important to you on a daily basis? Everyone's list will look a little different. It may involve family, job, kids activities, hobbies; fill in the blank. What's important on my list may not mean anything to you. But here is what I want you to think about this week. What is important to God? What is on his list? And when you compare your list to his, do they match up? Recently I heard someone make this statement, "What are we doing that's more important than reaching people with the love of God?" That made me stop and think for a minute; actually I'm still thinking about it. Because when I remember that this world is not my home, I realize that most of the important things on my list are really unimportant. The only thing that is eternal is my faith in God and the people around me everyday; and yes, in that order (God then people). That statement really made me think. I hope it makes you think this week too.

" my list match your me to understand what's really important....and give me every opportunity to show others your love. AMEN!"


Here is one thing I know about my personality...I love to have fun. If something isn't fun, I attempt to make it fun. Because if it isn't fun, I get bored really quick. Isn't it amazing how we can do something we hate, but if we do it with the right attitude and a good measure of joy it can go by fast and seem not so bad? I used to think that my circumstances determined whether my life was filled with joy or anguish. But in reality, the measure of my joy in the day will be determined by my decisions. If I choose to have a great day, I will! And if I choose to have a bad day, I will! Joy is my choice!

You see, God has already given you every reason to have a great day. He's already put everything in place for you to have the best week of your life. He is waiting on you to decide to live in joy today, this week, this year, this life! Regardless of what your checking account balance is, we are blessed. Regardless of your health status, God is awesome. Our lives have the potential to either reflect the greatness of God or the depravity of our world. Reflect the life-changing traits of God this week; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Take time to smile this week and in doing so you become a billboard of God's love.

Psalm 118:24 -
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Proverbs 15:13 - "A happy heart makes the face cheerful...."
Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful heart is good medicine...."
Psalm 97:11-12 - "Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name."
Nehemiah 8:10 - The joy of the LORD is your strength.

It's Not About Me

One of the greatest joys of my life is being a father. And while a big part of parenting is teaching your child the difference between right and wrong, I've found it interesting what I also learn from them. For a child, the most important thing is self-preservation. That simply means they care most about themselves. They focus on what they want, when they want it, and everything else is just details. I spend a lot of time, especially when they were younger, trying to help them understand that life isn't all about them. That mom and dad don't exist on this earth simply to make sure they get everything they want. That's a tough thing for a kid to learn.

It's a tough thing for adults to learn also. If we were completely honest, we spend most of our lives thinking "it's all about me." Now as painful as it might be to admit that, you know it's true. We make our decisions based on what we want, when we want it, and how we must live to get it. And all the while our heavenly father, God, is trying to help us understand, it's not all about me! Colossians 1:16 tells us, "For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible......everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. (Message)" I didn't create my life, so what makes me think that I get to determine it's purpose. God created everyone with HIS purpose. And his purpose is always better than mine. It's always more beneficial than mine. All I have to do is admit it's not all about me. God is less concerned about what you want, and more concerned about who you are becoming.

"God, this week help me think less about myself and more about me let go of my plans and grab hold of yours.......use me in such a way that others will know I am yours........AMEN!"

7 Tithing Tips

There is always something to learn in life. I enjoy reading others writings, blogs, and thoughts in an effort to be a lifelong learner. In reading Mark Batterson's blog this week I found this post about tithing. It encouraged me and I thought I'd pass it on. Have a GREAT week!

Continued our
Ritual series this weekend. Talked about a 4000 year-old ritual called tithing that traces all the way back to Abraham. Honestly, I used to hate talking about money. Thought people would think it was a money grab so I was almost defensive about it. But the longer I tithe the more I love talking about it.

We need a paradigm shift. So many people perceive the tithe as an obligation. It's an opportunity! Yes, Malachi 3 says you are "under a curse" if you are not giving a tenth. But what a promise! God wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that you cannot contain.

Here are a few principles I shared this weekend:

1) God can do more with 90% than I can do with 100%
2) U cannot out give God

3) 2 be blessed beyond your ability u need to give beyond your ability
4) When u start tithing, your financial problems become God's problem
5) The tithe keeps money from becoming your master

6) Tithing positions u 4 blessing

7) Tithing = Trusting

In my personal experience, tithing makes finances fun. It infuses me with economic optimism because I'm walking in obedience. I live in holy anticipation to see the way God is going to provide!

MATERIALISM......The Downfall

While having coffee with a friend this morning, we found ourselves discussing what I believe is likely the most effective trap of Satan in our lives; materialism. What is materialism?

Preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.

That definition is such a clear example of what is happening in our culture today......and in the lives of Christians today! We have become focused on getting, having, and acquiring while becoming uninterested in spiritual things; or more plainly, the Bible and our commitment to God comes in 2nd place. If you were asked to list the top 10 things (possessions) you want, it would only take you 30 seconds to make that list. We have become ADDICTED to materialism!!!

Why aren't most so-called Christians serving in a ministry, tithing regularly, reading their Bible & praying regularly, faithful in attendance, etc.? Because we are working overtime to pay for all the stuff we have OR saving to buy the stuff we want. Many don't think they can tithe because they live paycheck to paycheck, not because they are poor, but because they're spending everything they have to get what they want. We don't serve because of our selfish materialistic mindsets. Basically we've decided we want it our way instead of God's way. Jesus knew this was going to happen. That's why he said to seek first the kingdom of God, then all the other things would be given to us (Matt. 6:33). How simple; love God, serve God, obey God, want God more than anything else. If we do that, God will provide everything we need. Just think, you are wasting your life chasing after stuff that God said would be the natural byproduct of wanting him more than anything. This is the trap Satan sets for us in America especially. As you consider these thoughts this week, think about some of these quotes.

It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. --Thoreau

There is something perverse about more than enough. When we have more, it is never enough. It is always somewhere out there, just out of reach. The more we acquire, the more elusive enough becomes. – Unknown

Lust is all GET—Love is all GIVE. –Unknown

You say, 'If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.' You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled. - Charles Spurgeon

Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss. - Doug Horton

The best things in life aren't things. - Art Buchwald

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. - Jesus

Seasons Change

As I sit and enjoy a cup of coffee this morning, I am struck by the undeniable fact that the season is changing. Weather forecasters are predicting the chance of snow for today; which I learned would tie the earliest recorded measurable snowfall for this same day, October 12, in 1909. The leaves have barely turned colors and I'm already thinking about dusting off the snow blower to make sure it's ready for whatever may come. A joke we had in St. Louis regarding the weather was, "If you don't like the weather today just stick around, it will change tomorrow!" I am starting to think that applies everywhere.......well, not Florida, but most everywhere! When it comes to weather I've come to the realization that I don't have any control over it and no amount of complaint will change it. It's a season that will come and go as it pleases.

It's amazing how quickly seasons can change. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says it this way, "There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven." I've learned that life also seems to have the cycle of seasons to it as well. There are seasons of spring-like growth and summer blessing. There's also seasons of autumn-like shedding and winter freeze. In my life, I've experienced all of the seasons. We would all prefer to have the spring and summer seasons because they seem to be the most productive, then avoid the others. But in life it's just not possible to do that; and it's not healthy. We need the seasons of pruning and purging in our lives to strips us of everything that holds us down and drains our strength.

I've talked with a few people lately who've been going through tough seasons of life, but they are beginning to see the budding of fresh spiritual life. No matter what season you are in right now, just know that another season is coming and it isn't a negative thing; it's a necessary thing. Seasons of change are a part of God's plan for your life. Embrace them, seek God for wisdom in them, and know that a new season is just on the other side of the one you're currently in.

Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (New Living Translation)

Train Up A Child.......Part 3

There comes that time when a child morphs from Hot Wheels and Barbie Dolls to fast cars and makeup. And for many parents this is when they freak out and start doing what they swore they would never do; act like their parents! They start to yell, scream, threaten, and demean along with everything else they hated about how their parents treated them when they were a teenager. After working with teenage students for over 11 years and counseling countless parents, let me share some steps that may help you be successful and even enjoy the teenage years.

  1. Take Responsibility! If you ceased to feed, provide for, or even began to abuse your teenage student; you would be arrested and charged with neglect. As long as your child lives in your home, you are responsible. Just because they turn 16 and drive, doesn't mean you are off the hook for training them. Parents have told me, "I can't make my son do anything, he's 15 years old." That is a cop-out! What they mean to say is, "We don't want to deal with it because it will involve an argument, so we've decided to not do anything." Parents MUST take responsibility to teach, train, and raise their teenage students.
  2. Set The Example! As I stated last week, if you don't like the behaviors and actions of your teenagers, step one is to evaluate the example the parents are setting in front of them everyday. To be fair, it's not always the parents fault for their teenagers behaviors and actions. But more often than not, the consistent Godly example of a parent is the greatest influence in the life of a teenager long-term. Yes, friends and culture are a huge influence as well, but notice I said the parents influence is the greatest "long-term."
  3. Set Healthy & Fair Boundaries! Why does the highway department put a guardrail around the edge of a cliff? To keep you from running off and getting hurt or possibly killed. One of the most dangerous things parents can do is when they don't set up healthy and fair boundaries for their teenager. While your student will never say they appreciate your boundaries, they need them and WANT them! When you set no boundaries you are non-verbally saying, "I don't care about you." But when you do, even when they fight it, your boundaries express, "I love you so much I want to protect you!" Remember the key here is healthy and fair. Establish the consequences before they fail. That way they know what to expect and this lets them know the punishment is not based on anger. Then lovingly follow through with the consequences when they step outside the boundaries.
  4. Talk TO Them Not AT Them! When our children are small we often use the phrase, "Because I said so." Mostly because they wouldn't understand even if we explained it to them. But once they start hitting the "tween" years (10 - 12) that answer isn't fair anymore. Why do teenagers not listen and roll their eyes when we talk to them? Usually because we aren't talking to them, we're talking at them. It's easier to talk at them. But they don't learn anything. Remember that one of the goals of parenting teenage students is to prepare them for adulthood. When you take the opportunity to talk to your teenager it means you discuss, explain truth, listen, hear their feelings as well, then take that all and come to an understanding that establishes a healthy & fair boundary. When you talk to your teenage student you will eventually earn their trust and respect.
These are just a few things to remember when training up your teenage students. Remember, no parent gets it right all the time. But when you mess up (and most of the time your child knows you messed up) set the example by talking about it with them and asking for their forgiveness. Many times I've had to apologize for disciplining unfairly or talking to them to harshly. There is nothing more humbling than to ask a 5, 12, or 17 year old to forgive you. But it feels good when you know you just set the example for what's right.

Have a great week!

Train Up A Child.......Part 2

Last week we started talking about the responsibility of parents to train (teach, instruct, & discipline) their children regarding morals, integrity, right/wrong, and most importantly about what it means to live for and serve God. I said I would give some simple ideas to help you effectively train your children. So I'll focus on birth to 12 years old today.

  1. Training starts at birth: Your children are born without habits. So everything they learn starts with you. As a parent, grandparent, or caregiver consider your habits. Whatever behaviors or attitudes you model in front of a child, good or bad, will become the norm for them.
  2. Discipline must be intentional: With both my kids, there was a time between age 1 & 2 where we began instituting intentional discipline. It was around the time when the kids started walking and could touch everything. There comes a moment, and you will know when this is, when you your child reaches for the T.V. power button and you say "no", they look at you and inch closer and touch it anyway. You just reached the discipline moment. Why do we start young? Is it easier to teach a child the meaning of the word no when they have no habits, or at age 7 when they've already learned that your "no" doesn't really mean no? The question people often battle over is "to spank or not to spank." Notice I didn't say "beat", there is a big difference. We've always used a combination of verbal warning, spanking, & time outs. Use what works, be fair, be consistent, and follow through with your communicated discipline plan. Discipline won't happen by accident.
  3. Gratitude & Respect: It's so important for children to learn to be grateful and respectful at an early age. With regard to gratitude the simple things make a huge difference. Teach your child to say thank you and please. Most of our teaching here is wrong. We tell kids to say it, but we don't explain why. So what we end up teaching them is say these words and you'll get what you want. Gratitude is more than thank you and please. Tell them why they say thank you; explain that they are blessed. Respect is another key area of training. I was in a setting recently where a child under the age of 5 was allowed to speak completely disrespectfully to an adult. I could not believe the way the child acted. Tricia and I have always trained our children to be respectful to us, each other, other children, and to adults. If we are in their presence and they act disrespectfully toward someone, we take immediate action to appropriately correct the behavior. Disrespect is unacceptable at any age. And if we don't teach that early, it only get harder later on in the teenage years.
These are just 3 very practical but very important steps you can take with your younger child. When Tricia and I brought Jonathan home for the first time we looked back at back at him in the back seat and said to each other, "I can't believe they are letting us take him home. Don't they know we don't have a clue what we are doing? Where's the manual?" Well there isn't a manual, but there are some great resources available. Check the local Christian bookstore for more resources to improve your parenting skills.

Next week I will give you some practical advice about how to train up your teenage students.

Have a GREAT week!!!

Train Up A Child...

I have always enjoyed being around kids. Now that mine are getting a little older (11 & 7) I can now enjoy holding people's babies and then hand them back when they create a stinky present. Before coming to Green Bay I spent eleven and a half years in ministry to students under the age of 18. Those years involved some great joys and also some amazing challenges. Raising children of any age can be tough. But as culture changes, so do the challenges that parents face in ensuring their child is raised with a healthy set of moral and spiritual boundaries.

In Proverbs 22:6 it says, "
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." This verse is one those we refer to as "a command, followed by a promise". With varying adult roles in the life of a child this command could be directed at the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles; but at the core it's the parents. We are responsible for training our children and setting the example for their lives. We can each think of a child (regardless of age) whose behavior or actions where outrageous or out of control. Anytime we see that, they are either mimicking the behavior modeled before them or their behavior is a representation of how they are allowed to behave on a regular basis. I'm no child psychologist, but some things are common sense. If your child pitches a fit because they want something, and you give it to them to stop the fit; you have just trained them that they will get what they want when they pitch a fit. If you set rules for your teenage student, they break them, and you do nothing, you've just undermined your own authority and they will no longer respect you. What's worse is when you threaten consequences, but don't follow through. That is negative training. If we don't like the behavior or actions of our children the first place we need to bring correction is to ourselves. Because most of the time, they are behaving in the ways we've allowed them to.

It is OUR responsibility to train our children. Not the school system, not Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, not even the church or it's programs. We have to take personal responsibility to do that. It must be intentional and it must be constant.

Next week I will give you some simple ideas of how to effectively train your kids. Maybe you don't have kids, well the percentages are high that you will; so learn this now. Maybe yours are grown and out of the home. Well, you are actually still responsible for pointing your children in the right direction. I still consult my parents in major life decisions and their advice and wisdom is very important to me.

If you have kids at home, evaluate who they are becoming; behavior, attitudes, habits, self-control, discipline problems, etc. Then evaluate how your training methods are either contributing positively or negatively.

Have a great week!

Sticks & Stones may break my bones, but Words.......

You've heard the saying before. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" We learned that pretty early in our life, didn't we. And at least half of that phrase is true because sticks and stones are proven bone breakers. But that part about the words.......let's be honest, words can hurt a lot. More than likely you still deal with the effects of words that were spoken to you in the past from various sources; parents, other kids, teachers, ex-spouse, coworker, etc. Those words hurt and if allowed they still can affect our lives.

One of the things I've learned about words is that words are very powerful. They can build up or they can destroy. It was a great lesson I've learned and continue to learn as a parent. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Individually each of us hold the power to encourage, uplift and empower someone. But we also hold the power to discourage, tear down, and destroy someone. I think we would all be wise to consider the words coming out of our mouth since they can have such an impact on others.

But maybe an even bigger issue is the impact our spoken words have on us. In the course of a day, we usually don't need the words of someone else to tear us down, we do a great job of tearing down ourselves, our families, and our situations with the words we speak. In the New Testament, James tells us that our tongues are like the rudder on a ship; our words will steer or direct our lives to potentially positive or negative destinations (James 3:4-5). When we speak negative words over our lives, we steer ourselves toward negative results. If you get up and say, "This is going to be a bad day", guess what, you are going to have a bad day!!! But even if the circumstances of the day didn't change but your words did, you would end up steering your life toward a positive result. I'm not talking about positive confession. That would be described as being diagnosed with cancer and saying, "I don't have cancer...I don't have cancer." YES YOU DO!!!! But as bad as that is, you don't have to live your days in gloom and despair. It's proven that people with positive attitudes tend to recover from life threatening illness's faster and at a higher rate.

Maybe you don't have cancer, but the words you speak over your finances matter today. Try something this week. Intentionally try not to complain, pick out fault, speak negatively, have a negative attitude. If you're not careful you will find you make more friends, hate life less, and overall become a person other people actually want to be around! Try it and see what happens!

Send me an email and let me know how it works for you!!!!!

Philippians 4:8 Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

7 Steps To A Great Week

These steps are in order of importance and all are necessary.

1. Verbally commit your week to God.
  • "God, I give you this week. My time is your time. My life is your life. Replace my plans with your plans. Tell me what to do and I will do it!"
2. Talk to God.
  • Prayer isn't solely defined as one hour of designated time on your knees. Prayer is simply talking to God. You can do it in the shower and in the yard; not just before meals. Start by talking to God for 5 minutes, 3 times per day (morning drive, mid-day, drive home).
3. Read the Directions.
  • Psalm 119:105 "By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. (Message)" Stop praying for answers to questions that God has already answered in the Bible. He is waiting for you to open it up; the answer is waiting. A great place to start is by reading one chapter every day from the New Testament. Read the first 4 books over and over again. There's a lot to learn from Jesus life!
4. Set your Priorities.
  • Evaluate your schedule, plans, activities and commitments. Do all these things line up with what you are reading in the Bible? If not, reset your priorities. Less really is more!
5. Service as a Priority.
  • The reason why we set priorities is to make sure we don't neglect what GOD says is important. God gives us 168 hours per week. Commit 2-5 hours per week to serving God in some form of organized ministry where you use your unique, God-given gift. The church is a great place to start.
6. Speak Positive Words.
  • Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death... (NIV)" Your words matter; EVERY word! Your can either speak positive words of blessing over your life, or you can speak negative words of curse over your life. The world needs to see and hear Christians in a positive light. Your week will change, for the better, every time you choose to speak positive words.
7. Tell Your Story.
  • Intentionally tell someone what God is/has done in your life. Look for opportunities to show God's love to others through your actions. Notice I didn't use the scary word "witness". I'm simply encouraging you to set as one of your weekly priorities the goal of verbally sharing God's love.

You may be thinking, "This is all stuff I already know." I'm glad you know; now start doing. And please whatever you do, if you aren't actively doing these things on a weekly basis, PLEASE DON'T tell people you are a Christian. You may think that sounds harsh, but it's time we stop claiming to be something when our actions don't give testimony of the claim. May I encourage you to stop being just a hearer of the Word, and become a doer of the Word.

Have a great week!

I'm A Christian???

I'm a _____________________ (fill in the blank). Everybody's answer may be a little different. Maybe you would fill in the blank with something like this; mom, factory worker, security guard, teacher, dad, carpenter, doctor, secretary, banker, landscaper, business owner, etc.... Those are great answers. Each of us could be described by who we are. But what about what we do? I spent 3 years in construction as a bricklayer but when I went home at night after a long day of work I wasn't a bricklayer, I was Mark; husband, Christian. Laying brick was what I did for a living, it didn't define my life. My life's purpose was and is much more significant than a 40 hour per week construction job. My life, like yours, is more than a job title and a paycheck. We have a purpose!

I have a friend back in St. Louis who is a plumber. We were born on exactly the same day, in exactly the same year; November 23, 1974. Brian is a plumber not because he has a business card that says it, but because he works on plumbing, everyday. He understands that it's not just enough to have the title of plumber, but he has to be actively involved in doing the work.

As a culture, we tend to thrive on the significance of titles. For example, you would much rather be called a Sanitation Engineer than to be called a Garbage Man. But there is a title that many use that is very significant although I think we've lost it's significance; Christian. We freely proclaim "I am a Christian", but what about what we do? You've likely heard the this old statement in the past but it's worth repeating. If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Would people say, "They are constantly showing people love. They are considering others before themselves. They are always looking for opportunities to share the hope of Jesus with others. They genuinely love others!" What would people say about you? I am often reminded that I can't just say I'm a Christian, I have to live it.

Today's a great day to self evaluate our lives and see what things we can continue to grow and improve in. Open the Word of God, it's filled with great instruction for your life!

Training Camp

Unless you live under a rock (a HUGE rock) you know that the kick-off to the football season is just around the corner. Another year for your team to take the field, continue last years success, or fix last years failures. As fans we tend to have a very one dimensional view of the game. When we go to the game or tune in on T.V. we automatically focus on that moment, the offense, the defense, the big play, and hopefully the imminent victory. At most we spend a few hours during the week thinking about the roster, this years potential, or just casually talking about this weeks game over a cup of coffee with a friend. Ultimately the game becomes the primary focus of the fan.

But the result of the game really isn't decided on the field standing opposite the opponent. The result of the game was determined, days, weeks, months before the first minute ticked off in an official game. Before the first snap of the ball individual players prepared themselves physically, mentally, emotionally for the challenges they will face. Because the player knows that the win is determined by how well they have prepared in training camp before the first game. They know their opponent, they prepare a game plan, and they set out to win.

In my life as a Christian I've found I too have an opponent. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, "
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith...(NIV)" The most foolish thing I can do is think that in my confrontations with him, I can be lazy about my preparation and still win. I can't just step onto the field unconditioned and unprepared or I'm going to get sacked. There are a lot of analogies in football such as, "Defense wins games", or "Offense wins games." I think it takes both. Most Christians only function in a defensive mode; we just want to survive the attack. But I believe that God intended for us to have a good offense as well. He didn't intend for us just to survive, he wants to attack and win! The only way you and I can ever develop a powerful offense and defense is by going to spiritual training camp; a.k.a. our daily alone time with God. It only happens when we open up the play book (the Bible) and get clear instruction from the coach (GOD). How you train in private will determine whether or not you win long before you ever face your spiritual opponent.

Do you want to the win instead of just survive? Train. Prepare. Expect your opponent. It's time for Christians to develop a powerful Holy Spirit offense!

" us prepare for our opponent.....teach through your Word and empower us through our prayers.....and may we experience huge victories because of your faithfulness. AMEN!"


I am amazed at just how busy life can get sometimes. We spend most of April, May, and June running most nights either to Lauren's soccer game or Jonathan's baseball games. Add that to all the other stuff, and it all = busy. I have to admit that it's hard for me sometimes to relax. I am so used to being busy, that in those moments when I'm not I feel distracted, anxious, lazy, or like I should be doing something. It's just so difficult to relax!

A word that is used in the Bible to convey this idea of relaxing is the word "abide". In the New King James Version of the Bible, the word abide is used over and over in John 15. For example: "
Abide in Me, and I in you" , "He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit" , "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you" , "abide in My love." But what does it mean to abide? The word "abide" as used in John 15 is defined as "working to full capacity in a relaxed state of faith." The ability to rest and relax is an area that most Christians struggle in. We have a hard time finding the balance between two things; doing our part and keeping our hands off God's part. And if we fail to balance this we end up trying to "make it happen." I know this is a tough balance......because I struggle with it as well on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis.

Faith allows us to relax, trust, and exhale from the busyness. Faith turns the time table completely over to God. Think about the definition of abide again, "working to full capacity in a relaxed state of faith." Does your life look like this? Some days it does, but others I fail miserably. This week, would you pray that God would help me to relax; to help me live the definition of abide? And I will do the same for you. And this week, we can work toward this together.

"God.....give me mental peace this me learn how to abide in you.....and in the quiet times, help me just to relax.....AMEN!"

Is Purity Still Possible?

Throughout my childhood we have several different pets living out in the country. I can remember many different cats that would show up on the door step and we would become their source of food. I can also remember a few dogs we had; a Beagle, a Collie, and a miniature Collie. I was not stranger to farm animals either. I can't remember a time when we didn't have one or two cows in the field next to the house and for a while pigs out by the barn. But we didn't name those, because somehow they would end up in the freezer! (sorry vegetarians!) Needless to say, none of my pets as a child were pure-blooded anything. They were all mix breeds or mutts. I know some people spend a small fortune for pure-blooded dogs or cats. And the price is much higher for certain breeds than others. It is the purity of the breed that most will pay big dollars for.

In the past few years whole foods have become the cultural rage. We crave purity; our bodies want pure air and pure bottled water. Whole foods supermarkets have popped up everywhere, making billions providing foods that are free from preservatives and additives. (They should be called Whole Paycheck stores due to the cost.) But we crave purity. But what about spiritual purity? Do we desire to be pure; to rid ourselves of all the possible contaminants in our lives that dilute our faith?

One author defined spiritual purity this way. Purity refers to the inward control of fleshly lusts, thoughts and actions. It means "unmixed," a state of being without compromise. It means "uncontaminated," free from outside corruption. Now here's the question, does that describe your life? (Ouch!) Some days, I get this right and other days I fail miserably. But I've realized perfection isn't the goal, obedience to God's Word and instruction is. And if I strive to focus on those things, purity will become a natural byproduct of that effort. It is our intentional actions that will produce purity with God's help!

"Lord, help us to free ourselves of anything that contaminates our lives....Inspect our lives and show us any area where we need to clean house....Then help us intentionally take action to obey your Word and focus on your instruction to us...AMEN!"

A Time For Every Season

Summer has arrived! (ok, well at least it's June) The kids just got out of school this past Thursday so this is my first day home with them (Monday is typically my day off since Sunday is definately a work day). We just set up a basketball goal over the weekend so I have a feeling we'll be playing some basketball today. It's fun though, and I enjoy it. Jonathan is turning 11 years old on Wednesday the 17th, so I know I better take advantage of all the years possible when he still wants to be seen with me. Ha. ha.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for every season under heaven." If you live in Green Bay, you very thankful for any season that brings the temperature above 65 degree's. Just in the almost 3 years I've lived here, it has become very clear that summer is anticipated and celebrated. People have many different activities for summer. From the common ones like vacations and visits with family to culture specific "trip to the cabin." Summer is short and everyone tries to squeeze as much out of it as possible.

The challenge for everyone is to not allow the "season" to place our faith on hold. How do you think Jesus would have responded it the disciples said, "Hey Jesus, it's summer and we're not going to be able to follow you for the next 3 months. We'll hook back up with you in September!" I've heard a statement in the past few weeks that really stuck with me and I've repeated it several times. It's this, "It's not the evil things in life that derail our relationship with God, it's the other things." Very simply, it's not always bad things that get us off track in our relationship with God, sometimes it's good things. But we have to realize that good things can get in the way of the great God has for our lives.

Take this summer to rest, renew, and recharge. But realize that doesn't mean unplugging from God. Stay faithful to your commitments; church, service, tithe, relationships. Because when the summer is over, it's still your church family who will be waiting to spend the next 9 months with you!

Have a great summer!!!

Going In Circles

I think I was born with some sort of car gene. I have loved cars of all kinds since I was barely old enough to drive. I can remember looking at car magazines and advertisements beginning by age 12. With cars in my blood, it was inevitable that I would eventually become a fan of NASCAR. I guess I started watching sometime in the late 90's and I've been to several races over the years. The biggest race was the 2005 Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis when Tony Stewart won his first Indy race; it was awesome (understatement!!!!!)! Just a few months later in I was privileged to do the Richard Petty Experience. This is where they strap you into a race car, by yourself, and let you go crazy around the track. I ran 30 laps at Gateway International Raceway in St. Louis and hit a top speed of 127 mph. (I'm geekin' out just thinking about it!) Even though I wouldn't consider myself a race "fanatic", I've experienced my fair share of ridicule for being a race fan. The most typical statement is, "It's just cars making lefthand turns and going in circles for 4 hours." My typical response is, "So!"

Do you want to know what's funny? I've known people who's lives resembled a NASCAR race, because ultimately their life was just going in circles. They didn't have a predetermined destination and at the end of the day they realized it was a day filled with unconscious lefthand turns that got them no where. It happens everyday; people laying in a hospital bed preparing to die when they begin to analyze their lives only to realize their life consisted of a number of years, but they never really lived!

So where do you want your life to be 5, 10, 25 years from now? What's stopping you from setting a course for that destination? Step 1, ask God where he wants your life to be. Step 2, make the necessary changes to start down that path. Step 3, consult God along the way and enjoy the journey! Quit going in circles and start living!

"Lord, help me quit going in me your plan for my me reset my life course.....and go along with me on the journey! AMEN!"

Text Message From God

The other day I spent a few hours watching the end of a Cardinal's baseball game on T.V. (they lost unfortunately). Since I don't always get to watch the game I have the final score of each game texted to my phone. Well, the game ended, and in the few minutes that followed Tricia and I were talking and I gave her a hug (I love my wife so I try to do that often). During our hug, my phone made the sound that lets me know I have a new text message. I proceeded to release from the hug and reach into my pocket for my phone to read that new text. I thought the hug was over, but according to my wife, it wasn't. And further more, she was none too pleased to feel like that text message was more important than her. Don't get me wrong, she didn't make me sleep on the couch or anything, but it made me think about something.

We respond quickly to a lot of things in life; screaming kid, screaming boss, screaming driver! My response to the text message was an example of that. But what if we responded to God as quickly as we do to other things? What if God sent you a text message? What if we didn't even read it for several hours, then once we do we realize it was time sensitive material?

Listen, God does send text's called the Bible! It's filled with messages for your life. All you have to do is read it. Just think what would happen in your life if God's Word, his text messages, were as important to you as the baseball game score or a message from a friend. I can promise you, the more you read God's messages, the more your life will change....for the better!

Note: Listen to Pastor Aaron's message (week 4) on how God communicates to us through the Bible. You'll learn some great practical ways to grow by reading God's Word.

Ridiculous Religion

Yesterday an armed gunman entered a church in Wichita, Kansas and proceeded to shoot and kill late-term abortion physician, Dr. George Tiller. As I watched the story on the news this morning, they showed the gunman's car and on the back he had placed a icthus fish (pictured), apparently a symbol of his faith and his Christianity. Does anyone see the irony in this story besides me? The gunman, justified in his opinion that the murder of unborn children is wrong, chooses to take a gun and MURDER the doctor who performs the abortions! That's now what my faith or my Christianity looks like. That's some ridiculous religion!

REAL Christians should understand the old adage; two wrongs don't make a right! And it makes me sick when someone does something like this under the banner of Christianity! It is biblical for us to stand against sin, but when we transition from hatred of a sin to hatred for the people who sin, we drawn a line that Jesus never drew. If believers in Christ would open up one of the many Bibles they have collecting dust on their shelves they would realize that this is not how Jesus responded to sin. He taught truth, engaged the opposition, and held to Biblical Absolutes (and yes, there are still moral absolutes). But he always did it in love; not with malace, not with hatred, and certainly not with a gun!

Proverbs 19:2 says, "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge." My prayer is that more and more Christians will stand up for what is right in various areas of life. But I also pray that their zeal is grounded on the knowledge of God's Word.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this senseless tragedy.

What's Your CRAZY Prayer?

Here's what I want you to do, I want you to think back to some of the craziest prayers you've ever prayed. Now be know you've prayed for some crazy stuff before! Let me see if I can read your mind and list some of the prayers you might have prayed before.

God, please let _____________fall in love with me!
God, could you please let me win the lottery? I'll tithe on it!!!
God, if you get me out of this, I'll do whatever you want me to do...FOREVER!
Lord, could you please help me pass this test....even though I didn't study?
God, could you please make hair grow on my head....I'm tired of being bald?!
Lord, if you give me this (house,car,etc., etc.) I'll never ask you for anything else!
Lord, could you make my parents normal?
God, will you make my kids normal?

Ok, maybe I didn't exactly list every possible crazy prayer, but you get the point. It seems like when we pray, we tend to ask a lot and listen very little. It's almost like we have turned prayer time into an opportunity to twist God's arm in an attempt to get what we want. If you only pray when you are asking God for something, then you have missed the point of prayer. Prayer isn't intended to be your attempt to make God into your spiritual Santa Claus. Prayer is supposed to be one part of how you communicate with God and develop a deeper relationship with him.

I know what you might be thinking, "But if I don't ask God for something.....then what do I say?" Good question! Why not start by using a prayer "cheat-sheet". What?!? You heard me right! How do you learn to pray? You learn by seeing positive examples of prayer. In Luke 11, Jesus disciples asked him to teach them how to pray and he proceeded to teach them The Lord's Prayer. It was a prayer model designed to help them stay on track when they prayed. Wouldn't you like to learn how to pray prayers that are meaningful and that don't put you to sleep? Prayer models are the place to start. For a list of downloadable prayer models, visit Focused, intentional prayer is a good thing. It's ok to be crazy, but your prayers shouldn't be! Learn to pray effective prayers.

Monday Blahs

Alright, it's Monday morning, the day after the "big" day. For those who don't realize it, Sunday is the big day for every pastor. It's what every church seems to work up to; it's the climax of the week. Don't get me wrong, there are a huge amount of valuable ministries and activities that happen Monday thru Saturday, all of which make Sunday a success. But when the service is over, and everyone has left the building and I'm sitting on my couch Monday morning drinking coffee, it's very easy for me as a pastor to get the "blahs".

Here's one thing I know, everybody faces the "blahs" even if it isn't on Monday. We may think that we are the only people who get down for a day or two or even a week. Well listen up, you're not alone. Everyone has those days. Those days when the "joy of the Lord" isn't quite as strong as it was on another day. Even as a pastor, I have those blah days. I haven't talked to him lately, but I believe even the Pope has those days! We seldom talk it, we hide it. We don't want someone to think we're less of us because we think spiritual people don't have those days. Guess what......WE DO! Read the story of David in the O.T. also the corresponding Psalms that he wrote. David was a basket case! The roller coaster of his emotions was better than anything Six Flags has to offer. But still the Bible refers to David as a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22).

Wow....there's hope for me and you! Everyday isn't spent on the mountain top. You already knew that, didn't you? But even if everyday doesn't find you on top of the world, everyday can find you in relationship, hand-in-hand with the creator of the world! I think the best thing we can do on those blah days is head the words of Isaiah 40:31.

"But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Take the time to wait on God this week, get your soul recharged, and get some well deserved encouragement and rest.

Don't Give Up

In the book Wild Goose Chase (author, Mark Batterson), Mark writes a very profound statement that I have found to be of daily encouragement. Please forgive me as I paraphrase his statement where he says, "Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do each day is to just not give up!" Now to some, that statement may sound like a lack of faith or a negative outlook. But if you live here in the real world with the rest of us and your willing to drop your "superspiritual" mask for a moment, you would have to admit that in this Christian journey there are some days that survival is success.

At age 34 I find that statement encouraging. I play a lot of roles in this life; husband for almost 15 years, daddy to my kids (ages 7 & 11), son, brother, pastor, counselor and friend. And that's just the easy stuff to remember, not to mention the other stuff like; grass cutter, kid's baseball & soccer practice partner, (fill in the blank)___________________. And before I start to feel like I'm the only one doing all this stuff, make your own list. Every one of us has a list of this stuff. My point is, with all this activity, responsibility, and pressure, the feelings are always there that want to drive us to just give up and quit. We don't feel successful or we're frustrated. We feel like if we can't get it right at work, at home, or anywhere else, then certainly we aren't getting it right with God either, so why not just give up.

sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do each day is to just not give up! God's Word also tells us the same thing. "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. - Galatians 6:9" Even God knew that our emotions would drive us to give up some days. But His encouragement is so practical, don't give up; it's going to be ok....don't give up; it's going to get better....don't give up; you can make it, I'm here with you. DON'T GIVE UP!

"Lord, I know that today is going to be filled with chances to quit and give up. But by faith, I place one foot in front of the other and take another step forward into my promised blessing. AMEN!"

Side note: I encourage you to read "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. This book will jump start your faith and help you develop a lifestyle that chases after God.

A Child's Question

Just over a week ago, my 7 year old daughter asked my wife one of those innocent, yet profound questions while traveling down the road in the family minivan (grocery-getter, family wagon; you get the point). Her question was, "Mommy, do people see Jesus when they die?" And with what seemed like a simple question, my wife answered, "Yes, honey." She wasn't prepared for my daughters response. In her small, innocent voice she said, "Then I want to die, so I can see Jesus." While surprised by her thoughts, my wife shared with her that God wanted her to live for him here on this earth, and that when she was old and gray, God would bring her to heaven at just the right time.

To put Lauren's question in context, we had just been in a Saturday night service where everyone in the room got prayed for. I saw my daughter place her little hands on people as they passed by and pray for them, tears rolling down her face. I couldn't contain my own emotions as I watched God bless my baby girl.

Afterwards, I couldn't help but remember Jesus words to the people of his day when he said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Matt. 10:14-15) But the realization for me as a father from my daughters question was this. Jesus died for us so that we could have a relationship with him. He died in our place. For most of us, we don't have to die to be with Jesus; he is with you right now where ever you are reading this. My daughter's passion to be with Jesus drove her to make the choice that she would give everything to be with him. And we explained to her, and I hope you recieve this as well, you don't have to die to be with Jesus, you can live for him today.

Note To Self: Don't lick the PIG!

It's in the news, and everybody is freaking out; Swine Flu! Where will it show up next? What state will report the next case? It is a very serious and potentially pandemic situation. So it's with that in mind that I share the following photo with you. I'm not scientist, but this can't be good! Ha.Ha.

Don't Believe The Lie

Lies.....they're a strange thing aren't they? Some people lie to protect themselves, others lie to keep hurtful information from someone. And over time we've developed classifications for lies. A big lie. A little lie. The "little-white-lie". An innocent little lie. No matter what people call them or their reason for doing it's wrong. The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:16 says, "Thou shalt not lie!" (say that with a deep God-like voice for full effect) Simply stated, God's not a liar! In fact, Hebrews 6:18 says that "it is impossible for God to lie". But our enemy, Satan, his key character trait is deception and lies.

In John 8:44 it tells us that Satan is in fact the "father of lies", there is NO truth in him! And in fact, his daily goal is to get you to believe his lies and abandon the truth of God. John 10:10 goes on to tell us that Satan wants to "steal, kill, and destroy" every good thing in your life! And the primary way he accomplishes this is with the lie. If he can get you to believe the lie, it's just a matter of time before your life (spiritually & physically) falls apart.

Let me ask you a question. What lie are you believing today? Here are some very common lies he tries to get us to believe. Know body loves me! I will never get over my past! God could never forgive me for what I've done! My life will never get any better! God doesn't care about me! Nobody knows what I'm going through! I'm all alone! Nobody would miss me if I ended it all!

Don't Believe The Lie!!!! I have some positive news for you today. Whatever lie Satan is telling you, the exact opposite is true since there is absolutely NO truth in him. So that means, you are loved! God CAN deliver you from your past! Not only is life going to get better, it's going to be amazing! God loves you! (John 3:16) You are not alone! Your life is valuable and priceless! Don't Believe The Lie!!!!

Remember what Jeremiah 29:11 says about your life, "I know the plans I have for you,” says the L
ord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Everytime Satan tries to tell you a lie, remind him that he's a liar and that you have God's promises!

"Lord, today I choose not to believe the lie. No matter how I feel, my feelings don't determine truth. God, you are truth! And I choose to believe what you say about me! And today I embrace your plans for my life! Help me to feed my soul today with your truth. AMEN!"

Enough IS Enough

When's the last time you heard that phrase. Maybe you remember hearing your parents say it to you when you were getting in trouble as a child (for me that was often). Or maybe you've used that phrase when you were fed up with a situation or with somebody. But that's not really what I'm talking about.

I'm really talking about this insane mindset of acquisition. We want, and want, and want; but when do we get to the place where enough is enough? I can finally admit that in my twenties, I was addicted to this mindset. I lived to get more. More stuff, better cars, bigger T.V. (still have a 27 inch by the way), I wanted more! My joy was derived from getting more stuff. But I found out over time that the stuff lost it's shine real quick, and it left me more empty than before.

Evidently we are a hard-headed culture. While I am PROUD to be an American citizen and enjoy all the benefits that affords, I am disappointed at times about who we're becoming. Contentment has become a curse word in our society. We are training a new generation that what's most important is grabbing onto whatever you can get your hands on. We've proven as a society that we are willing to trade a good marriage because it gets boring, for a different marriage, solely for the emotional rush. We are willing to work later, harder, weekends, to obtain newer cars, bigger houses, and larger bank accounts. All the while we neglect our families and our relationships in the process. The Bible tells us this, "And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?" (Matt. 16:26 NLT)

Maybe Jesus was right when he gave us the formula for success in Matthew 6:33 when he said, "Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (NIV) The formula is simple; when will God be enough for you? When will we come to the place where we want him more than anything? Because if we don't, we will continue to look for fulfillment in all the wrong places and in the process lose who we are. Are you willing to say Enough IS Enough? Because I promise, God is enough for you!

"Jesus, today I decide to seek you first. I give you my list of wants, and I've decided that what I want most is you! And I believe that your Word is true; you will supply everything else I need! AMEN!"

1st Serving of Soul Food

This will will be my one-and-only first blog post. It only took me 34 years to do this (give me a little bit of a break, they didn't have blogs the whole 34 years). So I'm thinking, "What should I write the first time that would make people want to come back and read my posts later?" So where do I begin?

Well at age 11, I accidentally jabbed a utility knife into my leg and had to get 4 stitches. Or I could tell you about how I rode my dirt bike full speed into a moving car at the age of 13 (not on purpose of course, the car should have moved!).
Or maybe you'd be interested in the story of how I got my left index finger caught in an electric hedge trimmer at the age of 25 (yes....stitches again). Are you sensing a theme here? Most of my life stories seem to be painful and require stitches. But I don't think that's really what you want to hear, and that's definitely not going to bring you back to read more. You pretty much know how that story ends.

But if you are anything like me (and I pray you aren't) you are searching for answers to a few basic human feelings/emotions/thoughts. Questions like; Why am I here?, or How do I get through today?, or Where do I go from here, and who can help me get there? I hope that through my thoughts, observations, and musings you will find some encouragement no matter where you are in the journey of life.

So come back hungry every week and enjoy some good Soul Food!
