1st Serving of Soul Food

This will will be my one-and-only first blog post. It only took me 34 years to do this (give me a little bit of a break, they didn't have blogs the whole 34 years). So I'm thinking, "What should I write the first time that would make people want to come back and read my posts later?" So where do I begin?

Well at age 11, I accidentally jabbed a utility knife into my leg and had to get 4 stitches. Or I could tell you about how I rode my dirt bike full speed into a moving car at the age of 13 (not on purpose of course, the car should have moved!).
Or maybe you'd be interested in the story of how I got my left index finger caught in an electric hedge trimmer at the age of 25 (yes....stitches again). Are you sensing a theme here? Most of my life stories seem to be painful and require stitches. But I don't think that's really what you want to hear, and that's definitely not going to bring you back to read more. You pretty much know how that story ends.

But if you are anything like me (and I pray you aren't) you are searching for answers to a few basic human feelings/emotions/thoughts. Questions like; Why am I here?, or How do I get through today?, or Where do I go from here, and who can help me get there? I hope that through my thoughts, observations, and musings you will find some encouragement no matter where you are in the journey of life.

So come back hungry every week and enjoy some good Soul Food!



GRANNY J said...

Pastor Mark:

"LIES". Thank you for that blog. A couple weeks ago someone said something very hurtful to me. A Lie! It caused severe depression & I thought everyone thought the same of me. It took me 3 days to hear what God was saying to me!! That I was loved & I am loveable". Then on Sunday I received that "remarkable, beautiful" reward from the church. Joy & Love was restored to me. Thank you for letting me see the "Light" & renewing my spirit.

You are Loved, Judy

Julie De Grave said...

Thank you for the blog Pastor Mark!! I need to be reminded Not to take God's Truths for granted but to use them to restore his people so he might flow through them once more.
Thanks again

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