Does God Expect Christians To Vote?

It is our contention that it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to vote and to vote for leaders who promote Christian principles. God is most certainly in control, but that does not mean we should do nothing to further His will. We are commanded to pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4). In terms of politics and leadership, there is evidence in Scripture that God has been displeased with our choices of leadership at times (Hosea 8:4). The evidence of sin’s grip on this world is everywhere. Much of the suffering on earth is because of godless leadership (Proverbs 28:12). Scripture gives Christians instructions to obey legitimate authority unless it contradicts the Lord’s commands (Acts 5:27-29; Romans 13:1-7). As born-again believers, we ought to strive to choose leaders who will be themselves led by our Creator (1 Samuel 12:13-25). Candidates or proposals that violate the Bible’s commands for life, family, marriage, or faith should never be supported (Proverbs 14:34). Christians should vote as led through prayer and study of both God’s Word and the realities of the choices on the ballot.

Christians in many countries in this world are oppressed and persecuted. They suffer under governments they are powerless to change and governments that hate their faith and silence their voices. These believers preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at risk of their own lives. In the U.S.A., Christians have been blessed with the right to speak about and choose their leaders without fearing for themselves or their families. In the U.S.A., in recent elections, about 2 of every 5 of self-professed Christians took that right for granted and did not vote. About 1 in 5 self-professed, eligible Christians are not even registered to vote.

In our day and age, there are many who want to drive the name and message of Christ completely out of the public arena. Voting is an opportunity to promote, protect, and preserve godly government. Passing up that opportunity means letting those who would denigrate the name of Christ have their way in our lives. The leaders we elect—or do nothing to remove—have great influence on our freedoms. They can choose to protect our right to worship and spread the gospel, or they can restrict those rights. They can lead our nation toward righteousness or toward moral disaster. As Christians, we should stand up and follow our command to fulfill our civic duties (Matthew 22:21).

© Copyright 2002-2010 Got Questions Ministries.

How Should Christians Vote?

With only 9 days left until the midterm elections I'd love to answer a question that is rarely asked by most Christians. How should Christians vote? When we step into the voting booth most of us consider our selections completely private, personal, and nobody's business. The one thing we forget is that while no one here may know how you've cast your vote there is someone who knows exactly how you voted; and he's no little someone. God sees where your vote is cast. Does your vote glorify God and move HIS agenda forward?

Notice the question is not "Who should a Christian vote for?" because this not a party discussion. I'm not talking about liberals, conservatives, moderates, democrats, republicans, or independents. What I'm talking about is the filter every Christian should filter their vote through; the Bible! How should a Christian vote? A Christian should vote for candidates who uphold Biblical morals, values, and truth. This is hard at times because we sometimes find ourselves voting for the lesser of two evils. Sometimes no candidate completely stands with the Bible on every issue, but we still have the obligation to stand for truth at the highest level available. A Christian shouldn't base their vote on issues like the economy (even though we all want it to improve); God is our source & supplier. No matter the health care policies; God is still my healer. We need to stay focused on Biblical absolutes that are in question in our society as a starting point, then we can filter down to lesser issues.

Let me give you a few examples of issues the Bible is clear on but our society and candidates differ on. Abortion is clearly outlined in the Bible as murder. Marriages is clearly outlined in the Bible as between one man and one woman. No other equation equals marriage in the Bible. Should we be two issue voters? NO. But I do believe we must start somewhere and these two issues are devastating our current culture. If a candidate can't get it right on these issues that the Bible couldn't be more crystal clear on, then where else will they deviate from God's truth.

My simple point is this. As Christians we are obligated to stand for truth in every area of life, including who we elect to represent and serve us. First, you have an obligation to vote. Don't sit out on any election where you can stand for truth. Second, you can't vote if you don't research the candidates. Don't blindly vote, be informed and compare the views of candidates to Gods Word. Third, and most important, PRAY! Pray for God's wisdom, candidates that will honor Him and stand for truth.

Just something to think about as we approach election day. Have a GREAT week!

(Below is the Christian Coalition's voter guide comparing candidates views on Biblical issues)

What Is Success?

That is the primary question that has been bouncing around my head for the past 3 or 4 weeks. What is success?, or, What does it mean to be successful? Have you ever asked yourself that question too? I think it's ingrained in the human mind to desire success, to strive for it, and be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. And people are willing to spend time, energy, money to find it. People even go to the extreme of losing a marriage, severed relationships, even with their kids to get success. But think about this for a minute. If we don't know what the definition of success is, and we spend our entire lives trying to achieve it, only to realize in the end that we weren't even heading the right direction. So if we are to have any chance at success we MUST understand what it really is!

If you asked 10 people the definition of success you would likely get 10 different answers. Some would describe it as having enough money to do whatever you want not and in retirement. Another would describe it as having a position of respect & recognition in society. Others would describe success as having a great marriage and wonderful kids. And still others would describe success as living healthy and enjoying life. And to be honest, most of us would like to have all of these things plus much, much more. But let me be clear, while all these things seem great and a lot of people strive for them, this isn't the definition of success.

As a pastor I've tried to answer this question for my life. What does success look like? It could be a lot of people attending my church, and most Sunday's we are full, but I don't feel successful. It could be the number of people who choose Christ as Savior each week, and that's an awesome thing, but that doesn't make me feel successful. It might be the testimonies I receive from people who say my sermon touched them very deeply and caused them to make some changes in their lives, and that's great, but I still don't feel successful. So if you can achieve all this plus the other stuff above and still not feel successful then what is success?

After talking with other leaders and praying I think I've come to the elusive answer. Success is directly connected with obedience. The question we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis is, "Am I doing what God's told me to do?" This might relate to your job, relationships, money, church, using your abilities, and most likely it relates to every one of these things. What's the last thing God told you to do? Are you doing it? If so, then you are successful because the results (money, health, family, blessing) are the byproduct of your obedience. Matthew 6:33 says it most clearly, "But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well." (CEV) It's funny how our idea of success starts with trying to get the "other things" first hoping to please God in the end. But God says, please put me first then the other stuff will come because of your obedience.

Do you want success? What's the last thing you know God told you to do? Start doing it NOW! God's definition of success is the one that matters and your obedience is the key to achieving it!

Take this to heart, make the necessary changes, and watch your life become successful!

Well Done....Good & Faithful Servant!

Chapter 25 of the book of Matthew is centralized on one theme; being prepared for the return of our God & Savior so that one day we can spend eternity in heaven. There are varied opinions about how we get to heaven. Some believe that all roads lead to heaven while others believe that it's something we earn by doing more good than bad in our lives. I think it's funny that many believe in heaven but few believe in a literal place called hell; as if one could exist without the other. But regardless, the timeless truth of scripture clears it up. Both are a very real destination and the only path to heaven goes directly through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 14:6).

What surprises me most is that Christians (by lifestyle or by name only) don't understand that what Matthew chapter 25 is really about. In our zealousness to simply think about eternity in heaven we forget that there is preparation to be done here first. There are 3 parables, or stories, that Jesus tells. The first is about 10 virgins and whether they were prepared for the return of their bridegroom. This speaks directly to the most important decision of life; salvation through Jesus Christ. The second parable of the talents is about how we treat that gift of salvation. Will we be faithful and fruitful with the blessing of God in our lives or will we squander it and do nothing with it. The third parable of the sheep and goats speaks of how we live our lives. Are we living in such a way that we talk, walk, and live in such a way that Christ is evident to all? Salvation through Jesus Christ, faithfulness with his blessing, and a lifestyle that screams the love of Jesus Christ.

Verse 21 contains a statement we each want to hear someday when we stand before the throne of God, "Well done, good and faithful servant." We want to hear it, but will we? I wholeheartedly defend the fact that forgiveness of sins only comes as the gift of God through the cross of Jesus Christ. This is the only way sins are forgiven. But following the act of salvation, God REQUIRES faithfulness to his Word, faithfulness to his purpose, and faithfulness to his church. He says that true salvation will be accompanied by a changed heart, mind, and life. Neither of these things are part of the act of salvation but they are the required after effect of true salvation. We often forget this.

Have you received Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Do you understand God's specific purpose for your life? What are your gifts (helping, construction, cleaning, finance, music, teaching, administration, leader, encourager, creative, etc) and are you faithfully using them in the church to serve the entire family of God? Are you still making excuses for your bad attitude, habits, anger, reactions, cursing, complaining, greed, selfishness, gossip, laziness, complacency, bitterness, etc. or is your life daily reflecting God more and more everyday?

Salvation is free and only through Christ. But if we want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant", we must follow through with faithfulness and by training ourselves to become more like Jesus in the way we live everyday. May the decision today to be faithful to God's purpose and plans. Ask God to help you understand the things in your life you need to change to become more like him. Then the most practical step.........start doing it!

Have a GREAT week!

It's a Journey...Not an Event!

No matter where we go or how far it is from where we start to our destination, my kids will often ask the quintessential question, "Are we there yet?" followed quickly by, "How much longer until we get there?" They're often very excited about the destination but not very excited about the journey to get there. We go back to Missouri a few times a year and they are always happy to see grandparents & friends, but about halfway into the 9 hour drive they always ask those questions with exasperated looks on their face. Unfortunately I have to be the bearer of bad news telling them we have 4 hours to go. But being a good Dad (actually just being a Dad who doesn't want to hear them whine for hours), we'll stop at the gas station get a snack to take their minds off the distance and they endure to the end.

It's funny how the story of Christian life parallels the feelings my kids express on those long trips. No matter how long you've been a Christ-follower, haven't you even thought to your self or even asked God, "Are we there yet? Am I getting anything right in my Christian walk? When am I going to stop dealing with the same stuff everyday? When will I feel like I am a good Christian? How much longer?"

In this day of modern conveniences we expect a fast pace and quick results. When we travel we travel quickly. But the Christian life isn't a 30-minute car ride. It's a lifelong journey. Becoming a Christian isn't an event; it's a journey. Think of the journey more like a walk than a high-speed trip from point A to point B. If you walked from wherever you currently live to the southern tip of South America it would take far longer than flying or even driving. And along the way you would encounter heat, rain, roadblocks, obstacles, injuries, and delays. But if you walk long enough you will reach your destination. You'll reach it with an experience, a story, and most likely you'll be a different person for the better.

Christianity is not an event; it's a journey. Receiving Jesus Christ through salvation is the start of the journey and the destination is eternal life in heaven with him forever. Between the start the destination are plenty of lessons, obstacles, delays, pressure, and frustration. But it also includes joys, grace, favor, blessing, people, and hope that overcomes them all! Don't give up on the journey no matter how hard it becomes. Whatever mountain you are climbing today, just remember at the top you will have the perspective to see what God was doing. Then going down the backside, put your arms in the air like on a roller coaster and praise God for all that He's shown you and done in your life.

Have a GREAT week!!!