Monday Blahs

Alright, it's Monday morning, the day after the "big" day. For those who don't realize it, Sunday is the big day for every pastor. It's what every church seems to work up to; it's the climax of the week. Don't get me wrong, there are a huge amount of valuable ministries and activities that happen Monday thru Saturday, all of which make Sunday a success. But when the service is over, and everyone has left the building and I'm sitting on my couch Monday morning drinking coffee, it's very easy for me as a pastor to get the "blahs".

Here's one thing I know, everybody faces the "blahs" even if it isn't on Monday. We may think that we are the only people who get down for a day or two or even a week. Well listen up, you're not alone. Everyone has those days. Those days when the "joy of the Lord" isn't quite as strong as it was on another day. Even as a pastor, I have those blah days. I haven't talked to him lately, but I believe even the Pope has those days! We seldom talk it, we hide it. We don't want someone to think we're less of us because we think spiritual people don't have those days. Guess what......WE DO! Read the story of David in the O.T. also the corresponding Psalms that he wrote. David was a basket case! The roller coaster of his emotions was better than anything Six Flags has to offer. But still the Bible refers to David as a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22).

Wow....there's hope for me and you! Everyday isn't spent on the mountain top. You already knew that, didn't you? But even if everyday doesn't find you on top of the world, everyday can find you in relationship, hand-in-hand with the creator of the world! I think the best thing we can do on those blah days is head the words of Isaiah 40:31.

"But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Take the time to wait on God this week, get your soul recharged, and get some well deserved encouragement and rest.


GRANNY J said...

Thank you Pastor Mark. I like that!!
Have a great week.
You are Loved,


SorryTom said...

Are you sure this bus runs every hour? Been a long wait.

Anonymous said...

My blah just went away. Thank You
Gary S.

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