Don't Give Up

In the book Wild Goose Chase (author, Mark Batterson), Mark writes a very profound statement that I have found to be of daily encouragement. Please forgive me as I paraphrase his statement where he says, "Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do each day is to just not give up!" Now to some, that statement may sound like a lack of faith or a negative outlook. But if you live here in the real world with the rest of us and your willing to drop your "superspiritual" mask for a moment, you would have to admit that in this Christian journey there are some days that survival is success.

At age 34 I find that statement encouraging. I play a lot of roles in this life; husband for almost 15 years, daddy to my kids (ages 7 & 11), son, brother, pastor, counselor and friend. And that's just the easy stuff to remember, not to mention the other stuff like; grass cutter, kid's baseball & soccer practice partner, (fill in the blank)___________________. And before I start to feel like I'm the only one doing all this stuff, make your own list. Every one of us has a list of this stuff. My point is, with all this activity, responsibility, and pressure, the feelings are always there that want to drive us to just give up and quit. We don't feel successful or we're frustrated. We feel like if we can't get it right at work, at home, or anywhere else, then certainly we aren't getting it right with God either, so why not just give up.

sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do each day is to just not give up! God's Word also tells us the same thing. "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. - Galatians 6:9" Even God knew that our emotions would drive us to give up some days. But His encouragement is so practical, don't give up; it's going to be ok....don't give up; it's going to get better....don't give up; you can make it, I'm here with you. DON'T GIVE UP!

"Lord, I know that today is going to be filled with chances to quit and give up. But by faith, I place one foot in front of the other and take another step forward into my promised blessing. AMEN!"

Side note: I encourage you to read "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson. This book will jump start your faith and help you develop a lifestyle that chases after God.


Tom Duerst said...

Thank you, once again for your words of wisdom. You are so right it would be easy to give up, but that would only make us feel like a failures. Let continue run that race!

SorryTom said...

Super, will you please re-tell me this every hour. Printed it off to stick on my wall by my computer.

Lanny said...

Great looking web site and family. Glad we found this blog and enjoy the videos also showing the ministry of Mark. Good for a laugh and a time of serious contemplation and revaluation of ones self.

God Richly Bless

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