1. Verbally commit your week to God.
- "God, I give you this week. My time is your time. My life is your life. Replace my plans with your plans. Tell me what to do and I will do it!"
- Prayer isn't solely defined as one hour of designated time on your knees. Prayer is simply talking to God. You can do it in the shower and in the yard; not just before meals. Start by talking to God for 5 minutes, 3 times per day (morning drive, mid-day, drive home).
- Psalm 119:105 "By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. (Message)" Stop praying for answers to questions that God has already answered in the Bible. He is waiting for you to open it up; the answer is waiting. A great place to start is by reading one chapter every day from the New Testament. Read the first 4 books over and over again. There's a lot to learn from Jesus life!
- Evaluate your schedule, plans, activities and commitments. Do all these things line up with what you are reading in the Bible? If not, reset your priorities. Less really is more!
- The reason why we set priorities is to make sure we don't neglect what GOD says is important. God gives us 168 hours per week. Commit 2-5 hours per week to serving God in some form of organized ministry where you use your unique, God-given gift. The church is a great place to start.
- Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death... (NIV)" Your words matter; EVERY word! Your can either speak positive words of blessing over your life, or you can speak negative words of curse over your life. The world needs to see and hear Christians in a positive light. Your week will change, for the better, every time you choose to speak positive words.
- Intentionally tell someone what God is/has done in your life. Look for opportunities to show God's love to others through your actions. Notice I didn't use the scary word "witness". I'm simply encouraging you to set as one of your weekly priorities the goal of verbally sharing God's love.
You may be thinking, "This is all stuff I already know." I'm glad you know; now start doing. And please whatever you do, if you aren't actively doing these things on a weekly basis, PLEASE DON'T tell people you are a Christian. You may think that sounds harsh, but it's time we stop claiming to be something when our actions don't give testimony of the claim. May I encourage you to stop being just a hearer of the Word, and become a doer of the Word.
Have a great week!
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