What Is So Important......

I once heard someone say, "Don't allow the urgent things in life to keep you from the important." It made me think because there are so many things we give the title urgent. In reality, a majority of the urgent things are a result of poor planning or lack of forethought. When a project is due and we only have a day left to complete it, we put it on the urgent list (even though we had 4 weeks and procrastinated until the last minute). It's important to take care of our families, be faithful to our commitments, and be people of integrity and character. For this week consider how many urgent things never had to get to that level if they were planned for better.

But let's take it one step further. What is most important to you on a daily basis? Everyone's list will look a little different. It may involve family, job, kids activities, hobbies; fill in the blank. What's important on my list may not mean anything to you. But here is what I want you to think about this week. What is important to God? What is on his list? And when you compare your list to his, do they match up? Recently I heard someone make this statement, "What are we doing that's more important than reaching people with the love of God?" That made me stop and think for a minute; actually I'm still thinking about it. Because when I remember that this world is not my home, I realize that most of the important things on my list are really unimportant. The only thing that is eternal is my faith in God and the people around me everyday; and yes, in that order (God then people). That statement really made me think. I hope it makes you think this week too.

"God....help my list match your list....help me to understand what's really important....and give me every opportunity to show others your love. AMEN!"


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