This OR That

Day 6

This morning we attended a church (not in Green Bay for those wondering) and sat in on their service. I've found that going to another church and taking in the "guest experience" is fun. You really get to see how someone else does it and glean ideas about how your church can improve. I guess if everyone were evaluating this same church we'd all come up with both specific and different parts that stood out to us. For me I tend to look at a few things typically. The building was clean, up to date, and contemporary. The sanctuary had great stage effect, lighting, and sound. And when we dropped Lauren off for kids church it was a pretty cool space. Plus, she came out really excited about her service and talking about everything. The worship music was good, the announcements were a little long (at least 10 minutes), but the preaching was good. This church has multiple services and services a lot of families each week. All-in-all, it was a positive experience at a good church. A good service, at a good church. was missing something. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's hard to even say it without sounding spiritually judgmental, but you go, you attend and you now there is something missing! There must be more!! In the past I've coveted facilities like that. And yes I did use the word covet (I know it's a sin, I've confessed it and I'm forgiven ;-). Even recently I've wanted nicer space, better designed, better equipment, lighting, sound, etc. And to be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of those components or having them in your church. But as I sat at lunch today, as I talked with Tricia I made a statement that came from the depths of my soul. Here's what I said, "If I had to choose between that facility and all it's amenities OR a Holy Ghost -driven, powerful move of God; I'd choose the later. I know that would seem to be the obvious choice but some days based on my actions, that's not what I pick. I want a move of God in me, my city, and my church so bad I would give up every other request to get it.

What about you? If you aren't experiencing that type of powerful move of God in your personal life do you know what that means? It means you chose the other thing instead! Your other thing might be more money, bigger house, nicer car, more toys, kids sports; you fill in the blank! But you chose it; OVER God! Why can I say this so boldly? Because I've done it too. I'm ashamed of the times I've done it; missing out on God's best. But not anymore! Today is a new day and I've made my choice. I know I'll fail again, but still I choose to start down a new road in pursuit of an awesome God. He promised that if I would seek Him, I would find Him. I plan to prove Him right! How about you?


Anonymous said...

Mark, I enjoyed your post and it made me think of The Azuza Street Revival. They started out in a dingy white warehouse that had been used as a barn. They cleaned it up the best they could and set up 2 by 12 planks, twelve feet long for benches. Not very nice compared to the churches we go to. BUT they experienced the real power of God and witnessed miracles that we only dream of. Just makes you wonder....

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