The Root Issue

Day 5

This morning I mowed the grass for the second time this week; combination of much needed rain and great sunshine! Jonathan's been helping out this summer by running the riding mower and cutting about 2/3's of the lawn. That's a big help. Today while he was mowing I started pulling weeds around some of our landscaping. I hate weeds. Seems like they always grow faster than the's just silly. When I pulled those weeds I noticed that the roots below ground were often longer than the height of the week above ground. It's not something I just noticed, but it always surprises me. Sometimes I don't get the whole root out but accidentally only tear the top off the weed. Which means I'll be pulling those again.

If your not bored to sleep just yet you're probably wondering, "What the heck are you talking about! I don't want to hear about your weeds!" Here's the point. In almost 16 years of ministry & counseling I've met with hundreds of people who've had problems of many kinds. Most of the time, the problem they tell you about isn't really the main problem. It's just a symptom of a deeper root issue. The current problem is what you see now, but the heart of the issue goes much deeper. Most people will deal with those same problems for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer because they aren't willing to deal with the root issue. That's work. That means we have to become vulnerable.

What is a problem you've been dealing with for a while now? You usually only try to treat the symptoms and it may go away for a while but it always pops back up. Isn't it time to get to the root issue? Is it an abuse from childhood that's affecting your marriage today? Is it low self-esteem from a hurtful relationship or former marriage that wrecks any friendship or relationship today? What is the root issue for your problem? Stop ignoring it. It's as obvious to everyone else as a lone dandelion in a plush green yard. Get to the root of your issue....let God heal you.

"LORD, I've got issues from my past that are still popping up in my life today. Help me deal with them. Help me get to the root of the issue and find healing in you today. AMEN!"


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