Day 17
Sorry I missed several days. I was just far enough from civilization that there was no suitable internet connection.
We've taken the last several days to connect with family, pastor's, and mentor's. I spent a few hours this past Sunday evening going through a box of family pictures my mom had put together. We laughed, a lot! I especially enjoyed laughing at photos of my brother. He laughed at plenty of mine as well. I also came across a picture of my dad on on a Christmas morning from years ago......let's just say "blackmail" came to mind. And right now, I'm in the middle of four days with just Tricia (kids are at their grandparents - Thanks Mom & Dad!).
I guess the best way I can express how I have felt the past several days is blessed. A few months ago I preached a few messages on "How To Be Rich". I outlined how statistically we are the richest people, in the richest country in the world. I just heard someone the other day mention that our country only represents 5% of the worlds population, yet we account for 50% of the world's wealth. We're busy trying to figure out how to get rich when in reality we already are. We simply don't know what it means to be blessed. We believe a blessed life is just around the corner where a raise, better car, or a better marriage is at.
I AM BLESSED! I am loved by my heavenly Father, who looks beyond my faults and finds my life redeemable. I am loved by a woman who sees through my imperfections, quirks, and fears. Our marriage has not been perfect (none are!), but everyday I realize just how much I am willing to fight to keep it. I am loved by by two kids who run to meet me at the door to squeeze and hug me everyday when I come home.
On a weekly basis I'm known by many names; Mark, Honey, Daddy, Pastor Mark, Dude, Buddy, and even the occasional Father Mark (even though I'm not Catholic). But the name I should be best known by is BLESSED.
Faith; No More, No Less...
Day 9
You may have noticed I didn't write anything on Day 8...I skipped a'll get over it ;-). As part of the journey I am reading the New Testament over 30 days. I often change versions of the Bible for a period of time just to get fresh perspective. As I'm reading through the N.T., this time I am using the Message Bible. It is not a literal translation, but is instead a paraphrase version. Which means someone read the original scriptural manuscripts and paraphrased it in simple English. I wouldn't conclude doctrine from a paraphrase version, but it certainly is insightful as the Holy Spirit uses it to allow us to view scripture in a fresh, new way. All that said, I read a verse in Luke 17 today that make me think & research. Read it below.
Luke 17 (The Message Bible)
5The apostles (disciples) came up and said to the Master (Jesus), "Give us more faith." 6But the Master said, "You don't need more faith. There is no 'more' or 'less' in faith. If you have a bare kernel of faith, say the size of a poppy seed, you could say to this sycamore tree, 'Go jump in the lake,' and it would do it.
Let me clarify a few things. First, Romans 12:3 tells us that God has given each Christian a measure of faith. Second, Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 1:3 that he is proud of Thessalonian church because their faith is growing more and more. So we've established that God gives us faith and that our faith can grow. I felt it important to clarify that because some might read these versed from the Message Bible as a contradiction, when in fact they're not really talking about this.
Evaluate the disciples requests; they are saying to Jesus "give us more faith." And the simplified version of Jesus response is (my paraphrased version of a paraphrased version, are you confused yet?), "More faith? Take what you have, even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, and use it! That much faith can move a mountain if you just use it."
Now let me share how this verse struck me. Have you ever prayed for more faith? Me too. But in my research of scriptures so far, I haven't found where we are encouraged to "pray for faith." I did a word search in the New International Version of the Bible (considered by Bible scholars to be the most accurate translation of the original transcripts) and the word faith appears 256 times. I read all 265 verses and not once did it say that we should "pray for faith." I found that interesting since I've been doing it for at least 20 years. If Jesus hadn't been present, basically the disciples would have been praying for more faith. It was their cop-out. "If only we had more faith we could do amazing things for you Jesus." Jesus was saying, "Look, faith is not an excuse. If you have as much as a grain of mustard seed, you've got enough. Now step out and use the faith you have, then when you begin to see me move mountains in your life, your faith will grow! Then you'll have more faith!"
Stop praying for faith....stop thinking that when you get "enough" faith you will start doing something for God....just start using (exercising) the measure of faith you have right now and watch how God's faithfulness explodes in your life.....then the end result will be more faith.
Think about it!
You may have noticed I didn't write anything on Day 8...I skipped a'll get over it ;-). As part of the journey I am reading the New Testament over 30 days. I often change versions of the Bible for a period of time just to get fresh perspective. As I'm reading through the N.T., this time I am using the Message Bible. It is not a literal translation, but is instead a paraphrase version. Which means someone read the original scriptural manuscripts and paraphrased it in simple English. I wouldn't conclude doctrine from a paraphrase version, but it certainly is insightful as the Holy Spirit uses it to allow us to view scripture in a fresh, new way. All that said, I read a verse in Luke 17 today that make me think & research. Read it below.
Luke 17 (The Message Bible)
5The apostles (disciples) came up and said to the Master (Jesus), "Give us more faith." 6But the Master said, "You don't need more faith. There is no 'more' or 'less' in faith. If you have a bare kernel of faith, say the size of a poppy seed, you could say to this sycamore tree, 'Go jump in the lake,' and it would do it.
Let me clarify a few things. First, Romans 12:3 tells us that God has given each Christian a measure of faith. Second, Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 1:3 that he is proud of Thessalonian church because their faith is growing more and more. So we've established that God gives us faith and that our faith can grow. I felt it important to clarify that because some might read these versed from the Message Bible as a contradiction, when in fact they're not really talking about this.
Evaluate the disciples requests; they are saying to Jesus "give us more faith." And the simplified version of Jesus response is (my paraphrased version of a paraphrased version, are you confused yet?), "More faith? Take what you have, even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, and use it! That much faith can move a mountain if you just use it."
Now let me share how this verse struck me. Have you ever prayed for more faith? Me too. But in my research of scriptures so far, I haven't found where we are encouraged to "pray for faith." I did a word search in the New International Version of the Bible (considered by Bible scholars to be the most accurate translation of the original transcripts) and the word faith appears 256 times. I read all 265 verses and not once did it say that we should "pray for faith." I found that interesting since I've been doing it for at least 20 years. If Jesus hadn't been present, basically the disciples would have been praying for more faith. It was their cop-out. "If only we had more faith we could do amazing things for you Jesus." Jesus was saying, "Look, faith is not an excuse. If you have as much as a grain of mustard seed, you've got enough. Now step out and use the faith you have, then when you begin to see me move mountains in your life, your faith will grow! Then you'll have more faith!"
Stop praying for faith....stop thinking that when you get "enough" faith you will start doing something for God....just start using (exercising) the measure of faith you have right now and watch how God's faithfulness explodes in your life.....then the end result will be more faith.
Think about it!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TALK affects WALK
Day 7
What you say and think matters! Did you realize that what you say sets the course for who you will become and what you think will substantially affect your final destination? I can't stand being around negative people. I love them, but they drain me. Let's face it, everyone has a day where things don't seem so bright and we hit that negative streak. But when our words and thoughts continuously focus on the negative, you can be assured, the negative will happen in our lives. If you look for the negative, you will always find it! What's disappointing is that the entire time you are focusing on the negative, the positive is ALL around you! If we would just focus on the positive, we would experience the positive.
Now I'm not saying the negative will disappear and nothing bad will happen to you. But you'll begin to notice just how much good is in your life as well.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (NKJV)
Proverbs 4:23 Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. (NCV)
What you say and think matters! Did you realize that what you say sets the course for who you will become and what you think will substantially affect your final destination? I can't stand being around negative people. I love them, but they drain me. Let's face it, everyone has a day where things don't seem so bright and we hit that negative streak. But when our words and thoughts continuously focus on the negative, you can be assured, the negative will happen in our lives. If you look for the negative, you will always find it! What's disappointing is that the entire time you are focusing on the negative, the positive is ALL around you! If we would just focus on the positive, we would experience the positive.
Now I'm not saying the negative will disappear and nothing bad will happen to you. But you'll begin to notice just how much good is in your life as well.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (NKJV)
Proverbs 4:23 Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. (NCV)
Monday, July 19, 2010

This OR That
Day 6
This morning we attended a church (not in Green Bay for those wondering) and sat in on their service. I've found that going to another church and taking in the "guest experience" is fun. You really get to see how someone else does it and glean ideas about how your church can improve. I guess if everyone were evaluating this same church we'd all come up with both specific and different parts that stood out to us. For me I tend to look at a few things typically. The building was clean, up to date, and contemporary. The sanctuary had great stage effect, lighting, and sound. And when we dropped Lauren off for kids church it was a pretty cool space. Plus, she came out really excited about her service and talking about everything. The worship music was good, the announcements were a little long (at least 10 minutes), but the preaching was good. This church has multiple services and services a lot of families each week. All-in-all, it was a positive experience at a good church. A good service, at a good church. was missing something. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's hard to even say it without sounding spiritually judgmental, but you go, you attend and you now there is something missing! There must be more!! In the past I've coveted facilities like that. And yes I did use the word covet (I know it's a sin, I've confessed it and I'm forgiven ;-). Even recently I've wanted nicer space, better designed, better equipment, lighting, sound, etc. And to be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of those components or having them in your church. But as I sat at lunch today, as I talked with Tricia I made a statement that came from the depths of my soul. Here's what I said, "If I had to choose between that facility and all it's amenities OR a Holy Ghost -driven, powerful move of God; I'd choose the later. I know that would seem to be the obvious choice but some days based on my actions, that's not what I pick. I want a move of God in me, my city, and my church so bad I would give up every other request to get it.
What about you? If you aren't experiencing that type of powerful move of God in your personal life do you know what that means? It means you chose the other thing instead! Your other thing might be more money, bigger house, nicer car, more toys, kids sports; you fill in the blank! But you chose it; OVER God! Why can I say this so boldly? Because I've done it too. I'm ashamed of the times I've done it; missing out on God's best. But not anymore! Today is a new day and I've made my choice. I know I'll fail again, but still I choose to start down a new road in pursuit of an awesome God. He promised that if I would seek Him, I would find Him. I plan to prove Him right! How about you?
This morning we attended a church (not in Green Bay for those wondering) and sat in on their service. I've found that going to another church and taking in the "guest experience" is fun. You really get to see how someone else does it and glean ideas about how your church can improve. I guess if everyone were evaluating this same church we'd all come up with both specific and different parts that stood out to us. For me I tend to look at a few things typically. The building was clean, up to date, and contemporary. The sanctuary had great stage effect, lighting, and sound. And when we dropped Lauren off for kids church it was a pretty cool space. Plus, she came out really excited about her service and talking about everything. The worship music was good, the announcements were a little long (at least 10 minutes), but the preaching was good. This church has multiple services and services a lot of families each week. All-in-all, it was a positive experience at a good church. A good service, at a good church. was missing something. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's hard to even say it without sounding spiritually judgmental, but you go, you attend and you now there is something missing! There must be more!! In the past I've coveted facilities like that. And yes I did use the word covet (I know it's a sin, I've confessed it and I'm forgiven ;-). Even recently I've wanted nicer space, better designed, better equipment, lighting, sound, etc. And to be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of those components or having them in your church. But as I sat at lunch today, as I talked with Tricia I made a statement that came from the depths of my soul. Here's what I said, "If I had to choose between that facility and all it's amenities OR a Holy Ghost -driven, powerful move of God; I'd choose the later. I know that would seem to be the obvious choice but some days based on my actions, that's not what I pick. I want a move of God in me, my city, and my church so bad I would give up every other request to get it.
What about you? If you aren't experiencing that type of powerful move of God in your personal life do you know what that means? It means you chose the other thing instead! Your other thing might be more money, bigger house, nicer car, more toys, kids sports; you fill in the blank! But you chose it; OVER God! Why can I say this so boldly? Because I've done it too. I'm ashamed of the times I've done it; missing out on God's best. But not anymore! Today is a new day and I've made my choice. I know I'll fail again, but still I choose to start down a new road in pursuit of an awesome God. He promised that if I would seek Him, I would find Him. I plan to prove Him right! How about you?
Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Root Issue
Day 5
This morning I mowed the grass for the second time this week; combination of much needed rain and great sunshine! Jonathan's been helping out this summer by running the riding mower and cutting about 2/3's of the lawn. That's a big help. Today while he was mowing I started pulling weeds around some of our landscaping. I hate weeds. Seems like they always grow faster than the's just silly. When I pulled those weeds I noticed that the roots below ground were often longer than the height of the week above ground. It's not something I just noticed, but it always surprises me. Sometimes I don't get the whole root out but accidentally only tear the top off the weed. Which means I'll be pulling those again.
If your not bored to sleep just yet you're probably wondering, "What the heck are you talking about! I don't want to hear about your weeds!" Here's the point. In almost 16 years of ministry & counseling I've met with hundreds of people who've had problems of many kinds. Most of the time, the problem they tell you about isn't really the main problem. It's just a symptom of a deeper root issue. The current problem is what you see now, but the heart of the issue goes much deeper. Most people will deal with those same problems for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer because they aren't willing to deal with the root issue. That's work. That means we have to become vulnerable.
What is a problem you've been dealing with for a while now? You usually only try to treat the symptoms and it may go away for a while but it always pops back up. Isn't it time to get to the root issue? Is it an abuse from childhood that's affecting your marriage today? Is it low self-esteem from a hurtful relationship or former marriage that wrecks any friendship or relationship today? What is the root issue for your problem? Stop ignoring it. It's as obvious to everyone else as a lone dandelion in a plush green yard. Get to the root of your issue....let God heal you.
"LORD, I've got issues from my past that are still popping up in my life today. Help me deal with them. Help me get to the root of the issue and find healing in you today. AMEN!"
This morning I mowed the grass for the second time this week; combination of much needed rain and great sunshine! Jonathan's been helping out this summer by running the riding mower and cutting about 2/3's of the lawn. That's a big help. Today while he was mowing I started pulling weeds around some of our landscaping. I hate weeds. Seems like they always grow faster than the's just silly. When I pulled those weeds I noticed that the roots below ground were often longer than the height of the week above ground. It's not something I just noticed, but it always surprises me. Sometimes I don't get the whole root out but accidentally only tear the top off the weed. Which means I'll be pulling those again.
If your not bored to sleep just yet you're probably wondering, "What the heck are you talking about! I don't want to hear about your weeds!" Here's the point. In almost 16 years of ministry & counseling I've met with hundreds of people who've had problems of many kinds. Most of the time, the problem they tell you about isn't really the main problem. It's just a symptom of a deeper root issue. The current problem is what you see now, but the heart of the issue goes much deeper. Most people will deal with those same problems for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer because they aren't willing to deal with the root issue. That's work. That means we have to become vulnerable.
What is a problem you've been dealing with for a while now? You usually only try to treat the symptoms and it may go away for a while but it always pops back up. Isn't it time to get to the root issue? Is it an abuse from childhood that's affecting your marriage today? Is it low self-esteem from a hurtful relationship or former marriage that wrecks any friendship or relationship today? What is the root issue for your problem? Stop ignoring it. It's as obvious to everyone else as a lone dandelion in a plush green yard. Get to the root of your issue....let God heal you.
"LORD, I've got issues from my past that are still popping up in my life today. Help me deal with them. Help me get to the root of the issue and find healing in you today. AMEN!"
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Faith, NOT Feelings
Day 4
It's easy to be happy and live for God when feel like we are close to God and God is close to us. But what about those times when it feels like God is a million miles away. We haven't stopped praying, or reading his Word, or even living for his purpose; it's just that we don't feel God the same way.
Rick Warren gave a great example of this when he wrote, "When you are a baby Christian, God gives you a lot of confirming emotions and often answers the most immature, self-centered prayers—so you'll know he exists. But as you grow in faith, he will wean you of these dependencies. Yes, he wants you to sense his presence, but he's more concerned that you trust him than that you feel him."
This happened to Job. In one day he lost everything - family, possessions, and health. What did he do? He cried out to God! And for 37 chapters God said nothing. We know how the story ends so we often overlook the emotion of those 37 chapters. Where did Job's faith grow most? After God answered and restored everything, or during those 37 chapters where God was quiet and all Job had to hold onto was his faith in a God?
If you know me at all you know I am an openly emotional guy. But I am learning that I can't allow my feelings or emotions to be the gauge of God's work in me. He is most pleased when my relationship with him is based on the faith (the facts his Word declares & His promises) instead of my feelings. Do I still feel God?...Yes, and I pray I continue to. But feeling him is no longer my pursuit; knowing him through faith is far more fulfilling. It's that type of faith that pleases God.
"LORD, teach me to trust your Word and establish my faith upon it regardless of how I feel. Teach me to rest in your truth. I don't just want to feel you, I want to know you!....AMEN!"
It's easy to be happy and live for God when feel like we are close to God and God is close to us. But what about those times when it feels like God is a million miles away. We haven't stopped praying, or reading his Word, or even living for his purpose; it's just that we don't feel God the same way.
Rick Warren gave a great example of this when he wrote, "When you are a baby Christian, God gives you a lot of confirming emotions and often answers the most immature, self-centered prayers—so you'll know he exists. But as you grow in faith, he will wean you of these dependencies. Yes, he wants you to sense his presence, but he's more concerned that you trust him than that you feel him."
This happened to Job. In one day he lost everything - family, possessions, and health. What did he do? He cried out to God! And for 37 chapters God said nothing. We know how the story ends so we often overlook the emotion of those 37 chapters. Where did Job's faith grow most? After God answered and restored everything, or during those 37 chapters where God was quiet and all Job had to hold onto was his faith in a God?
If you know me at all you know I am an openly emotional guy. But I am learning that I can't allow my feelings or emotions to be the gauge of God's work in me. He is most pleased when my relationship with him is based on the faith (the facts his Word declares & His promises) instead of my feelings. Do I still feel God?...Yes, and I pray I continue to. But feeling him is no longer my pursuit; knowing him through faith is far more fulfilling. It's that type of faith that pleases God.
"LORD, teach me to trust your Word and establish my faith upon it regardless of how I feel. Teach me to rest in your truth. I don't just want to feel you, I want to know you!....AMEN!"
Friday, July 16, 2010

Filter Peoples Advice...
Day 3
Have you notice that everyone seems to think they have the answers for your life? When you share your problem or even when you don't there is often a line of people who are prepared to tell you what you need to do and how you need to do it! One comment I hear often that drives me crazy is, "I know exactly how you feel!", or "I went through that exact same thing!" When someone says that to me it makes me want to grab them around the neck and say, "No you don't!!! Your situation may have been similar but not exactly the same!" For those of you who've caught yourself saying that to someone, let me tell you what the listener hears when you speak. "What you're going through is common. Why are you being such a whiner? It's just life!" In essence, you are disregarding something that is huge to them at the moment and in effect devaluing them and their feelings.
I can't tell you how many comments I got about how I should "do" this sabbatical. What to do and how to do it, what course to take and how it should look in the end. Now to be clear, I do believe that we should have people in our lives to speak into us, hold us accountable, and verbally invest in us. But there comes at time when the best person to do that is God. Even the best people will sometimes give you only advice filled with worldly logic instead of divine revelation.
When someone advises you, qualify their words through this filter. 1) Are they someone who reads their Bible regularly? 2) Are they someone who you know to wholeheartedly seek God in prayer. 3) Have you seen their personal decisions produce spiritual fruit? 4) Are the humble with you and with others? 5) Do they regularly exhibit a servants heart to others? 6) Does their advice COMPLETELY line up with God's Word and what God has already spoken to you through prayer? If you can't answer these questions with a "yes" be careful!
Matthew 23:8-10 (The Message Bible)
Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do. No one else should carry the title of 'Father'; you have only one Father, and he's in heaven. And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them—Christ.
Have you notice that everyone seems to think they have the answers for your life? When you share your problem or even when you don't there is often a line of people who are prepared to tell you what you need to do and how you need to do it! One comment I hear often that drives me crazy is, "I know exactly how you feel!", or "I went through that exact same thing!" When someone says that to me it makes me want to grab them around the neck and say, "No you don't!!! Your situation may have been similar but not exactly the same!" For those of you who've caught yourself saying that to someone, let me tell you what the listener hears when you speak. "What you're going through is common. Why are you being such a whiner? It's just life!" In essence, you are disregarding something that is huge to them at the moment and in effect devaluing them and their feelings.
I can't tell you how many comments I got about how I should "do" this sabbatical. What to do and how to do it, what course to take and how it should look in the end. Now to be clear, I do believe that we should have people in our lives to speak into us, hold us accountable, and verbally invest in us. But there comes at time when the best person to do that is God. Even the best people will sometimes give you only advice filled with worldly logic instead of divine revelation.
When someone advises you, qualify their words through this filter. 1) Are they someone who reads their Bible regularly? 2) Are they someone who you know to wholeheartedly seek God in prayer. 3) Have you seen their personal decisions produce spiritual fruit? 4) Are the humble with you and with others? 5) Do they regularly exhibit a servants heart to others? 6) Does their advice COMPLETELY line up with God's Word and what God has already spoken to you through prayer? If you can't answer these questions with a "yes" be careful!
Matthew 23:8-10 (The Message Bible)
Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do. No one else should carry the title of 'Father'; you have only one Father, and he's in heaven. And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them—Christ.
Thursday, July 15, 2010

How do you know.....?
Day 2
Yesterday we started doing something new in our family. We've always prayed together but we've never really done some sort of family devotional together. So we started yesterday using a book called Dinner Table Devotions. The daily reading for July 13th was about healing and how God is a healing God. It only took about 5-7 minutes then we prayed together. It was a very positive thing and I'm glad we started to it. I encourage other families to make the time for something like this as well.
What was funny was the question afterward. We've noticed that Lauren is our "question girl". Remember the devotion was on healing, but her question was not. Sitting next to me on the couch she looked right up at me with those big brown eyes and said, "How do you know when God talks to you?" Would anyone like to take a shot at answering that one?
How many other people have ever asked that question? I have. My easy explanation to Lauren was to give her an when she does something wrong and that voice in her heart tells her she shouldn't have done that, or that she should apologize; that's God speaking to her heart. She then proceeded to explain to me how that really does happen for her and how important it is to her. Wow!
What about for us adults? How do we know when God is speaking to us? Let me give you the most simple explanation I have to help you know when you are hearing God speak to you. 1) Usually what he says isn't what we want to hear! God's answers always go against our logic. My selfish nature always wants God to do things my way. I even rationalize out why God should do things my way, but he never does. His voice cuts through my logic. 2) When God speaks to us his words always support His Word. If you think God is speaking to you, check it against the Bible. A revelation Word from God will never contradict his written Word. If it does, you didn't hear from God. Check EVERYTHING against His written Word!!! 3) When God speaks instruction or revelation to us the end result should be the glorification of God NOT ourselves! God does not have an ego problem, but he will not take second place. I hear people often say, "God told me to do (blah-fill in the blank)". And when reviewed it's selfish, self-honoring, and lifts up the individual not God. God's instruction steers us and others toward Him.
Journey on.......
Yesterday we started doing something new in our family. We've always prayed together but we've never really done some sort of family devotional together. So we started yesterday using a book called Dinner Table Devotions. The daily reading for July 13th was about healing and how God is a healing God. It only took about 5-7 minutes then we prayed together. It was a very positive thing and I'm glad we started to it. I encourage other families to make the time for something like this as well.
What was funny was the question afterward. We've noticed that Lauren is our "question girl". Remember the devotion was on healing, but her question was not. Sitting next to me on the couch she looked right up at me with those big brown eyes and said, "How do you know when God talks to you?" Would anyone like to take a shot at answering that one?
How many other people have ever asked that question? I have. My easy explanation to Lauren was to give her an when she does something wrong and that voice in her heart tells her she shouldn't have done that, or that she should apologize; that's God speaking to her heart. She then proceeded to explain to me how that really does happen for her and how important it is to her. Wow!
What about for us adults? How do we know when God is speaking to us? Let me give you the most simple explanation I have to help you know when you are hearing God speak to you. 1) Usually what he says isn't what we want to hear! God's answers always go against our logic. My selfish nature always wants God to do things my way. I even rationalize out why God should do things my way, but he never does. His voice cuts through my logic. 2) When God speaks to us his words always support His Word. If you think God is speaking to you, check it against the Bible. A revelation Word from God will never contradict his written Word. If it does, you didn't hear from God. Check EVERYTHING against His written Word!!! 3) When God speaks instruction or revelation to us the end result should be the glorification of God NOT ourselves! God does not have an ego problem, but he will not take second place. I hear people often say, "God told me to do (blah-fill in the blank)". And when reviewed it's selfish, self-honoring, and lifts up the individual not God. God's instruction steers us and others toward Him.
Journey on.......
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Child's Honest Question
Day 1
Let me set the scene. I'm sitting in my living room; just finished my devotional and starting my daily Bible reading. Jonathan is sitting on the couch reading day 4 of his journey through the Gospels in 30 days on his iPod using YouVersion. Lauren is sitting next to him reading her own Bible. Then it of those moments that makes you both laugh and cry. She turns to Jonathan and asks, "Is the Bible real? Did this stuff really happen?" She was dead honest.
I thought about how honest and sweet the questions of a child are. The beginning of faith really starts with the question my daughter asked. God loves that question. He loves to answer it and prove just how real he is. He loves to show up in our everyday lives and prove that no matter what the world says about his existence, he is real and HE IS GOD!
"LORD, show me today just how real you are and how much you love me. AMEN!"
Let me set the scene. I'm sitting in my living room; just finished my devotional and starting my daily Bible reading. Jonathan is sitting on the couch reading day 4 of his journey through the Gospels in 30 days on his iPod using YouVersion. Lauren is sitting next to him reading her own Bible. Then it of those moments that makes you both laugh and cry. She turns to Jonathan and asks, "Is the Bible real? Did this stuff really happen?" She was dead honest.
I thought about how honest and sweet the questions of a child are. The beginning of faith really starts with the question my daughter asked. God loves that question. He loves to answer it and prove just how real he is. He loves to show up in our everyday lives and prove that no matter what the world says about his existence, he is real and HE IS GOD!
"LORD, show me today just how real you are and how much you love me. AMEN!"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Excited & Anxious

I don't know what's in the spiritual boxes God's placed in front of us, but I am excited. And I know my anxiety will subside as well because I know my God only gives good gifts. The spiritual refreshing, direction, and blessing that is to come will be better than I could ever imagine. It's all part of the spiritual journey everyone of us travel in our walk with God.
Embrace the journey! Over the next 30-days fast a few meals per week, spend more time talking with God in prayer, and open up the Bible and see what it has to say. Try reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) over the next 30-days. Just 3 chapters per day and you will get a full picture of Jesus life and example for each of us and read through all 4 books of the Bible.
Tricia and I appreciate your support and prayers during this season of refreshing. We love pastoring the Central family and we look forward to the explosion of God's favor and blessing that is to come.
Have a great week!
Monday, July 12, 2010

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