Small Changes = Big Results

Life is an ever changing thing. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, things change. With a new year comes change as well. I've found that it's not always the big changes that produce the biggest results. Often it's the intentional small changes followed by consistency that proves to be most effective.

As you approach 2011, consider what small changes you could make in your family, at work, and in your personal life that could produce tremendous results. It may be more scheduled time with family or a better attitude at work. In your relationship with God, it might be as simple as reading one chapter of the New Testament per day. Even if you only did this 5 days a week you would read the entire N.T. in less than one year. What if you turned the radio off on the ride to work and simply prayed; talked to God just like you would a close friend. How would these small changes impact 2011?

The definition of insanity is: doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. Add some sanity to your year. Make some small changes and watch the big results happen in 2011!


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