Groaning or Growing

Take a minute to think about the stuff you are going through right now. You know, the stuff you would consider bad, unfair, or just not fun. It's those things that just seem to be part of the cycle of life. If we look close enough we recognize that while there is always some measure of bad going on in our lives, there's also some measure of good that's always happening in our lives as well. We enjoy the good but we hate the bad. And that makes total sense. I'd be concerned if you said you enjoyed going through the bad stuff of life. Stuff like, sickness, relationship struggles, work issues, divorce, financial lack, and the list goes on and on.

The question isn't really whether or not life will be filled with ups or downs, highs or lows; that's a given. The question is really how will you respond to them? To be sure, God doesn't cause our problems, he doesn't tempt us. (James 1:13) But he does allow us to go through things for the purpose of maturing us and strengthening our faith. It's these life experiences that prove whether our faith can sustain the storms or whether it will crumble at the slightest wind.

Stop groaning and start growing! Stop groaning about your problems and start learning from them. Are problems fun? NO! But until you stop groaning about them you'll never grow through them. And ultimately you will stay in that problem until you learn the lesson God is trying to teach you through it. Every time I find myself right in the middle of a problem I've learned to ask God this question, "God, what are you trying to teach me through this?" Then I follow it up with this statement, "Whatever it is, I'm willing to learn. Show me!"

Often the length of your stay in a particular problem is directly connected to your attitude while going through it. Stop groaning! Start taking advantage of the opportunity to grow.


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