The Land Between

I know this about the land between, you've either been there, are there, or will be there. It's an inevitable place in life we each pass through. That place between where we were and were we know God is taking us. The adventure is exciting at first, but soon we realize the journey will be longer and more intense than we imagined. But it's in the journey that we experience transformational growth. The land between is the most fertile soil for this type of growth.

Think back at the toughest times of your life. What did you learn in those moments that has guided you in the years since? What experiences or principles were found in the midst of those hardships? Now, think about those times when things were seemingly perfect. Did you really learn anything or were you just coasting along selfishly focusing on yourself and your pursuits? God leads us through the land between so that we can mature, grow, and learn to trust him more.

If you've found yourself in the land between, I pray that God will sustain and train you. His goal is to develop in you the ability to look beyond your situations and learn to wholeheartedly trust him.

For more on this topic, read Jeff Manion's book, The Land Between. Click Here!


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