
In some ways I feel like the past 12 years of my life has been a progressive process of getting more and more connected. First it was the internet in general, then email, and now social media avenues like Facebook & Twitter. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing about these things that makes them wrong in and of themselves. But at some point we can get over connected.

For the next 14 days I've decided to unplug. While also fasting during this time I've decided to disconnect from some of my most time consuming electronic disruptions. While I have to use a computer and internet to work be productive, over these 14 days I'm taking a break from TV, Twitter; and yes, even Facebook! Again, nothing wrong with these things, but in unplugging I want to see what I've really been missing. Plus, anytime you set aside with God is always fruitful.

Take the journey with me if you dare. Pick up a book, have a conversation, play a game, spend time with your family/kids, or even talk to your neighbor.

See you again on August 15th! Have a GREAT week!


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