Steps To Sexual Purity

Is sexual purity still possible? Yes!!! It simply requires us to abandon our rules about sex and embrace the biblical guidelines God established. Instead of shying away from the topic or the discussion of it, we need to be upfront and open. According to God's Word, sex is both a biblical & natural thing. It's not something to be ashamed of or to be marginalized to closed door discussions. It's when we refuse to discuss it that we also hinder ourselves from finding freedom from sexual situations that are commonly affecting us in negative ways.

Where are you struggling in the pursuit of sexual purity? Is it pornography, tv & movies, internet content, or unhealthy emotional connections? Wherever you find yourself, you can find freedom from the things that would love to keep you bound up. The place to begin is by asking God to help you. Resist your enemy and he MUST leave! Second, talk to someone else; a friend or pastor. You need someone to fight this battle with you and to hold you accountable. Third, there are some great resources that can help you better understand the battles you are facing and how to fight back with biblical principles. Visit for a list of inexpensive resources you can buy to encourage and challenge you.

You can do this! Sexual purity is absolutely possible. Don't do this alone!

Have a GREAT week!


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