Tithe Sunday Challenge :: Update!

I wanted to share an exciting update for everyone regarding our Tithe Sunday Challenge.

YTD Weekly Tithe Average: $ 8,167
Tithe Sunday Challenge: $15,638

PRAISE THE LORD!!! I'm excited to see how everyone's faithfulness has proven to be amazing. So here's something to think about. What would happen if everyone was faithful with the blessing of God in our lives and committed to tithe regularly and consistently? Because we aren't just talking about money; we're talking about lives that would be changed. Every dollar invested in God's Kingdom is ultimately attached to reaching someone without God, providing discipleship, and releasing them to reach others. It's walked out every week in our ministries to kids & youth, in the planned outreach events, through small group discipleship, by helping those in need, and caring for others.

Even though stewardship involves money that's not what it's all about! It's about people. It's about lives that matter to God. It's about obedience to God's plan and the promised blessing of God. I've already heard several testimonies of how God has ALREADY proven faithful this past week as people were obedient to step out and give faithfully. I look forward to hearing more as God proves himself in your life as well.

Let's keep on stepping out in obedience and faith. Just watch what God is going to do!!!!

Pastor Mark


Matthew Leighty said...

Awesome, what a blessing to hear God's people step out in faith. The last things surrendered to God for many of us is time and money. God has blessed us to be a blessing!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome congregation! To take the time to learn about generosity, then be obedient to God in our giving. We become good stewards of what God has given us... and he blesses us with more so we can continue to give generously and impact more lives. Central people you are amazing.

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