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Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to look back at just how far we've come. I'm certainly not where I used to be, but I'm not yet to where I know God wants me to be. It's somewhere in that middle ground that we can look back and see all that God has brought us through. I think it's healthy because we can pause for a moment and thank God for walking with us the whole way. All the stuff we thought we'd never make it through; we did! He was with us the entire way leading, directing, loving, and nurturing. It also gives us a great opportunity to look ahead to where God is leading us. It's great to look back, but if you look back to long you'll trip on your future. The future God has for you is far better than your past. We just have keep moving toward it. If you aren't moving forward in God's direction today is a great day to start.
This week I have two reasons to pause and look back. First, this Friday is my wedding anniversary; 16 years. I am blessed to have married such an amazing woman who has faithfully stood by my side both in ministry and in life. Our two kids are the amazing blessing our relationship has produced. Second, Friday is also our 4 year anniversary at Central. We know where we've been and we know where we are going and I am truly excited about what the future holds.
Let me encourage you to join us for Prayer & Praise this Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. I promise you will be encouraged and blessed.
Have a GREAT week!
Exodus 33:13 ....teach me your ways so I may know you.....(NIV)
These were words spoken by Moses after years in the dessert with the children of Israel, God's chosen people. Following the story of Moses life through scripture takes some determination. There were moments where we would say he was on top of the world, things were going good. But if you read long enough you would also notice that things didn't always stay good. His life was filled with frustration, physical & spiritual attacks from their enemies as well as his own people, lack of food, abundance of food, blessing & curses.
But woven into the journey of Moses was his deep desire to know God. Remember that this is early on, pre-Jesus, pre-New Testament, this was long before most of scripture was penned. But that didn't stop Moses desire to truly know the God he was following. He regularly shared moments with God where God poured very deeply into his soul.
Unlike Moses, we have the completed, God-inspired, infallible Word of God to help us know and understand God. And in addition, when Jesus died on the cross and rose again he tore down every barrier that could separate us from an intimate verbal relationship with our God. With those two things in place for us, how often do we take advantage of them? I've found that the most significant and productive times of my day are the planned & unplanned moments I spend with God. I plan to read his Word, to worship him with a song or two, I plan to talk with him through prayer. It's those moments that cause me to know him better and understand his plans for me. It's also the unplanned; those moments when the Holy Spirit just ambushes me in my office, in my car, our when I'm out and about town.
It's hugely important to plan moments with God, but it's also important to allow the Holy Spirit to ambush you in the midst of your day. Would you be willing to plan some moments with God? Five, ten, fifteen intentional minutes with him either reading his Word or talking to him? I promise those moments will become the most valuable of your day!
I have always enjoyed being around and playing with babies. Nothing brightens a day like the smile of a child. The only thing better than that is when they finally stand on those chubby legs and wobble around in their maiden attempt to walk. We often refer to them as baby steps. I always joke that Lauren never walked. She stood up and began running; running in to the coffee table, running into the get the idea.
Yesterday I enjoyed the opportunity to share my heart about what God was doing in me this past summer as well as what he has in store for us. If you weren't able to be in service with us, I would consider it mandatory to listen to that message so you can know why we will be taking the intentional steps presented in future weeks and months. If you were here yesterday, don't hesitate to listen to the message again. It's just impossible to retain everything we hear verbally. Regardless of our church heritage or your personal age I believe the baby steps we take in upcoming weeks & months will prove to be a significant turning point for Central. Why would we consider them baby steps? Because they are the elementary steps that must be taken for a church to grow, be healthy, and fulfill it's purpose.
As I shared yesterday, our first steps are prayer. Prayer is the only thing God promised to respond to and answer. Unfortunately it's the thing we do the least; except for when we want something from God. The type of prayer I'm talking about is when we pray because of our love for God. Not for what he can give us but just to get close to him and express our hearts to him. So the opportunity to pray is available. Starting this Wednesday night (and every Wednesday night) we are having a Prayer & Praise service in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Even though we won't have kids ministry available on Wednesday nights until the beginning of October (3-weeks) parents can take turns alternating to attend the prayer time while one parent stays home.
If you haven't already, I also want you to pick up a copy of the book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala for $10 in the lobby. This book will powerfully stretch your mind and build up your faith to what God can and is willing to do when his people pray.
Will you join me in taking some baby steps toward God?
No matter where you've been for the past 3 months, you don't want to miss this next Sunday! I am looking forward to sharing the experience & my thoughts from the 30 day sabbatical Tricia and I took in July & August. It proved to be a powerful time spiritually for us as well as a great opportunity for God to have our complete attention. So at this upcoming service I am going to share what I wholeheartedly believe are the action steps God wants us to take as a church. It will probably be surprising just how simple these steps are, yet they are vitally important.
So lock up the cabin, set the Tivo to record the football game, and don't put the roast in the Crockpot too early because this Sunday is going to be a very powerful service. Let me pray for you today......
"Father, I believe you are preparing Central for something big. But for that to happen you will begin by preparing us individually & as a church family. I ask that you prepare our hearts for this Sunday, the worship, the message, and our response. We pray for your will to be done in us and in our city! In Jesus name.....AMEN!"