No Pain, No Gain

When's the last time you heard that phrase? Maybe high school or college? As you read through the Bible you'll find hundreds of people that got to experience this concept first hand. I think the reason many believers struggle through problems is because we always view problems as bad. We think that a good Christian shouldn't have problems. Unfortunately, that's just not true. Jesus said we would have troubles of many kinds. And sometimes they will hurt; a lot!

In John 21:17 it says, "Peter was hurt....." On Mark Batterson's blog ( he wrote this. "Why was he hurt and who hurt him? Well it was
Jesus who asked Peter the same question three times: do you love me? Peter was hurt that the Lord asked him three times, but I think it was His way of dealing with Peter's three denials. He didn't want to gloss over the issue. He wanted to deal with the denial. So in a brilliant fashion, Jesus healed Peter by hurting Peter."

For me, I've always learned the most about myself and about God in the middle of my problems and my struggles. He doesn't allow the problems to destroy me, he allows them to refine, shape, and grow me. My attitude always determines whether the outcome is positive or negative. He is still trying to "work all things together for my good."

If we want to grow in our faith, problems are part of the process. And sometimes it's the pains of our lives that position us for the blessing of our lives. Don't despise your situation, consider it the training grounds that position you for future success!

Have a Great week!


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