Hundreds of desperate Haitians are in line waiting for food at Quisqueya Chapel—Convoy of Hope’s main distribution point in Port-au-Prince. Yesterday, the Convoy of Hope team distributed 100,000 meals here and at five other distribution points.
“Having partners like Haiti, the national Assemblies of God church and Mission of Hope has allowed us access to parts of the city we could have never gotten into,” says Paul Coroleuski, Convoy of Hope’s director of field services who is in Haiti. “Without our partners we would be like many other relief organizations who have food and supplies in country but are facing enormous logistical and security problems getting those items distributed.”
Food supplies are running low in Haiti and show no signs of improving anytime soon. But even when food is available—as it is in limited amounts on some street corners from vendors—many families simply do not have the cash to pay for it.
“My house is damaged, I need food, but I have no money to buy it,” says Ralph, a twenty-something-year-old who could be speaking for tens of thousands of hungry Haitians.
“The situation regarding food and water remains dire,” says Kevin Rose, Haiti director for Convoy of Hope. “The lack of fuel and security issues has made it very difficult to move food around the city. But through our network of partners we are getting food into some of the most desperate places.”
Rose says the food being distributed to earthquake victims is inventory from Convoy of Hope’s warehouse that is used to feed 7,000 children each day who are a part of Convoy of Hope’s feeding initiative in Haiti.
“That supply will last 10 to 14 more days,” admits Rose. “So, we need to replenish the warehouse as fast as we can to ensure that we can keep feeding the children in our program while also continuing to provide food for those who are suffering from the earthquake.”
If the condition of the earthquake-damaged neighborhood that surrounds the distribution point at Quisqueya Chapel is any indicator—Sunday’s distribution of food will only be one of many more to come in the months ahead.
If you are looking for a trusted organization to contribute to for Haitian relief, Convoy of Hope is the organization I wholeheartedly suggest to you. Click on the link below to go to their website and make a contribution.
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