"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24
What does your week look like? Do you have a full plate at work? Does your calendar look filled up? Do the kids have more sports practices & games than you can count? When we look at all our busyness it's easy to view the day or week as simply something to be conquered or endured instead of something to be lived to it's fullest.
What would happen if every day you flipped your feet out of bed and once you came to your senses (after a shower or several cups of coffee) you quoted this verse from Psalm 118 like you mean it? What if you truly believed that the day you were beginning was give to you by God? I often personalize the second sentence of this verse by saying, "I will CHOOSE to rejoice & be glad in it."
Choose to make today and every day a great day! It really is your choice!
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