The Big Test

"Bring the whole tithe (10%) into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." - Malachi 3:10 (niv)

Some people get really angry with this verse in scripture and others get nervous. It's amazing how we perceive this as God's intrusion into our finances when in fact everything we have belongs to him. I have always been amazed by the 4 words we find in the middle of this verse, "Test me in this!" No where else in scripture do we see God saying this to us; only here in Malachi 3.

I believe the reason we find this challenge as it relates to money is because God himself knew that one of the greatest tests of our faith would be what we do with money. If we can't trust God by obediently giving him 10% of the blessing he originally gave to us in the first place, then how can we proclaim that we trust him for our salvation? How can he save us from our sins, but not be able to take care of us financially? How can we trust him with our lives but not with $40 bucks from our $400 paycheck?

He knew it would be tough. He knew we would struggle with this command. So he extended even greater understanding & grace. He says, "Test me in this! You can trust me! I'm not robbing you, I blessed you in the first place." And he even gives us a guarantee (promise), that if we do this, he will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we won't even be able to contain it. That is an AWESOME promise!!!

I encourage you today, trust God. Obey his commands to be faithful with the tithe (10%). He will not fail you and he will not let you down; guaranteed!


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