Independence Day

On Sunday, we will celebrate the birthday of our country with July 4th celebrations all over the country. 234 years ago our founding fathers signed their names to the Declaration of Independence, the written edict declaring to Britain our decision to break free from tyranny in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Those same founding fathers understood that life, liberty, and happiness wasn't something to be found in ourselves, but in the Creator who holds each of those things in His hands.

In 2010, have you truly achieved life, liberty, and happiness? If we evaluate the human condition in America, I believe most people have traded life for a living, liberty for cultural slavery, and happiness for temporary stuff. It's a clear sign that we've not only chosen independence from Britain but from God. Even though we achieved freedom from tyranny in 1776, I'm not so sure we are any more free today. We strain for freedom but true freedom is only found in the Creator. Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (NIV) The principles of this verse are clear.

1) Only Christ can set us free.
2) Once free, he intends for us to stay free!
3) No matter what, DON'T GO BACK TO SLAVERY!

What is still enslaving you? Fear? Failure? Past Hurts? Whatever it may be, make today your spiritual Independence Day! Christ has already done everything needed for you to have freedom. Ask him for it, receive it, walk in it, and never go back to slavery!!!

Have a great week!

Letting Go

I've really enjoyed the past 5 weeks and our parenting series "Every Kid Needs...." Parenting is the most exciting, fulfilling, and difficult job a person will ever do. But It's also a tremendous blessing when done well. I encourage every parent to continue to work on your parenting skills and seek out resources to will equip you better. It's a job I want to be successful at; I encourage you to do your best as well. One book I read while preparing this series of messages was "Kid CEO" by Ed Young. This proved to be a great resource and I encourage parents to give it a read. As always, if you want to listen to one or all of the messages in this series again, just go to and you can listen for free. Below is the beginning to a series of articles by Dr. James Dobson about how to release your teenage kids into adulthood. Click HERE for more articles on this topic. Have a GREAT week!!!

The most common mistake made by parents of older teenagers (16 to 19 years of age) is refusing to grant them the independence and maturity they require. Our inclination as loving guardians is to hold our kids too tightly, despite their attempts to squirm free. We try to make all their decisions, keep them snugly beneath our wings, and prevent even the possibility of failure.

And in so doing, we force our young adults into one of two destructive patterns: Either they passively accept our over protection and remain dependent "children" into adult life or they rise up in great wrath to reject our bondage and interference. They lose on both counts. On the one hand they become emotional cripples who are incapable of independent thought, and on the other they grow into angry, guilt-ridden adults who have severed ties with the family they need. Indeed, parents who refuse to grant appropriate independence to their older adolescents are courting disaster not only for their children but also for themselves.

Click HERE for more articles on this topic.