If you asked 10 people the definition of success you would likely get 10 different answers. Some would describe it as having enough money to do whatever you want not and in retirement. Another would describe it as having a position of respect & recognition in society. Others would describe success as having a great marriage and wonderful kids. And still others would describe success as living healthy and enjoying life. And to be honest, most of us would like to have all of these things plus much, much more. But let me be clear, while all these things seem great and a lot of people strive for them, this isn't the definition of success.
As a pastor I've tried to answer this question for my life. What does success look like? It could be a lot of people attending my church, and most Sunday's we are full, but I don't feel successful. It could be the number of people who choose Christ as Savior each week, and that's an awesome thing, but that doesn't make me feel successful. It might be the testimonies I receive from people who say my sermon touched them very deeply and caused them to make some changes in their lives, and that's great, but I still don't feel successful. So if you can achieve all this plus the other stuff above and still not feel successful then what is success?
After talking with other leaders and praying I think I've come to the elusive answer. Success is directly connected with obedience. The question we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis is, "Am I doing what God's told me to do?" This might relate to your job, relationships, money, church, using your abilities, and most likely it relates to every one of these things. What's the last thing God told you to do? Are you doing it? If so, then you are successful because the results (money, health, family, blessing) are the byproduct of your obedience. Matthew 6:33 says it most clearly, "But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well." (CEV) It's funny how our idea of success starts with trying to get the "other things" first hoping to please God in the end. But God says, please put me first then the other stuff will come because of your obedience.
Do you want success? What's the last thing you know God told you to do? Start doing it NOW! God's definition of success is the one that matters and your obedience is the key to achieving it!
Take this to heart, make the necessary changes, and watch your life become successful!
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