What surprises me most is that Christians (by lifestyle or by name only) don't understand that what Matthew chapter 25 is really about. In our zealousness to simply think about eternity in heaven we forget that there is preparation to be done here first. There are 3 parables, or stories, that Jesus tells. The first is about 10 virgins and whether they were prepared for the return of their bridegroom. This speaks directly to the most important decision of life; salvation through Jesus Christ. The second parable of the talents is about how we treat that gift of salvation. Will we be faithful and fruitful with the blessing of God in our lives or will we squander it and do nothing with it. The third parable of the sheep and goats speaks of how we live our lives. Are we living in such a way that we talk, walk, and live in such a way that Christ is evident to all? Salvation through Jesus Christ, faithfulness with his blessing, and a lifestyle that screams the love of Jesus Christ.
Verse 21 contains a statement we each want to hear someday when we stand before the throne of God, "Well done, good and faithful servant." We want to hear it, but will we? I wholeheartedly defend the fact that forgiveness of sins only comes as the gift of God through the cross of Jesus Christ. This is the only way sins are forgiven. But following the act of salvation, God REQUIRES faithfulness to his Word, faithfulness to his purpose, and faithfulness to his church. He says that true salvation will be accompanied by a changed heart, mind, and life. Neither of these things are part of the act of salvation but they are the required after effect of true salvation. We often forget this.
Have you received Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Do you understand God's specific purpose for your life? What are your gifts (helping, construction, cleaning, finance, music, teaching, administration, leader, encourager, creative, etc) and are you faithfully using them in the church to serve the entire family of God? Are you still making excuses for your bad attitude, habits, anger, reactions, cursing, complaining, greed, selfishness, gossip, laziness, complacency, bitterness, etc. or is your life daily reflecting God more and more everyday?
Salvation is free and only through Christ. But if we want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant", we must follow through with faithfulness and by training ourselves to become more like Jesus in the way we live everyday. May the decision today to be faithful to God's purpose and plans. Ask God to help you understand the things in your life you need to change to become more like him. Then the most practical step.........start doing it!
Have a GREAT week!
AMEN Pastor Mark. Once again, out of the ballpark! Thanks for all you do to help all of us to become better Christians. Cheri Sasman-Perry
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