I spent the first 3 years out of high school working in the construction field. One of the things I had to learn was how to read the plans to ensure that the goals of the architect were achieved. Just one mistake, one wrong measurement, one variation from the plans could cause the whole project to get off track. I learned very quickly just how important it was to follow the plans.
In the past 16 years I've also found the same thing to be true of life as well. When I started out, I placed a pretty high value on my plans; the ones I made. But as I was willing to finally admit, God had plans for my life as well and sometimes my plans didn't line up with his plans. My mistakes, my wrong decisions, and my miscalculations always cause my life to get way off track from God's plans.
Sometimes I don't learn real fast, but this verse couldn't make it any more simple. This is one of those verses I always talk about; a command followed by a promise. The Command: Commit your work to the Lord. The Promise: Then your plans will succeed. You don't get the promise until you obey the command first. God is the master architect for life. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that he knows every plan he has for us. The smartest thing we can do is stop, submit our lives and our plans to God, then watch how God works. It's not always easy to do but it is the only way to succeed.
What plans do you need to commit to God this week? How long have you been struggling to succeed? All you have to do is commit it to God, listen to his instruction, and you will succeed like never before.
Have A GREAT Week!
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