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Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)
I spent the first 3 years out of high school working in the construction field. One of the things I had to learn was how to read the plans to ensure that the goals of the architect were achieved. Just one mistake, one wrong measurement, one variation from the plans could cause the whole project to get off track. I learned very quickly just how important it was to follow the plans.
In the past 16 years I've also found the same thing to be true of life as well. When I started out, I placed a pretty high value on my plans; the ones I made. But as I was willing to finally admit, God had plans for my life as well and sometimes my plans didn't line up with his plans. My mistakes, my wrong decisions, and my miscalculations always cause my life to get way off track from God's plans.
Sometimes I don't learn real fast, but this verse couldn't make it any more simple. This is one of those verses I always talk about; a command followed by a promise. The Command: Commit your work to the Lord. The Promise: Then your plans will succeed. You don't get the promise until you obey the command first. God is the master architect for life. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that he knows every plan he has for us. The smartest thing we can do is stop, submit our lives and our plans to God, then watch how God works. It's not always easy to do but it is the only way to succeed.
What plans do you need to commit to God this week? How long have you been struggling to succeed? All you have to do is commit it to God, listen to his instruction, and you will succeed like never before.
Have A GREAT Week!
Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday best-wishes yesterday! 36; only 4 years to 40!!! Birthdays are a regular reminder not only that I'm getting older but also that I am a blessed man! I have an amazing wife of 16 years and 2 wonderful kids. But the most significant blessing of my life is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To all my family and friends both near and far, the most significant gift I could receive from you is to know you've started that relationship as well. Not religion, but a relationship. Don't let a negative past experience at a church or with a stupid so-called Christian keep you from that personal relationship. Stop for just a minute, right now, and start your relationship by saying...... "Jesus, I know I'm not perfect and I've made plenty of mistakes.....but I'm asking you to forgive me of all my sins.....come into my life in a real me how to live my life for you.....AMEN!" Congrats, you just started your relationship. Now find a great church; not a lame one that doesn't make sense. If you need help finding one. I can give you some suggestions, no matter where you live.
God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!
I first want to express my thanks to our missionary guests from this past Sunday, Matt & Stacey Leighty. The are just beginning the process of raising the necessary funds to serve military personnel and their families in Germany. But in the next 12 - 16 months they will raise those funds and be on their way to serving those families. I appreciated his challenge to share our faith regardless of the obstacles. Thanks Pastor Matt!
With Thanksgiving only a few days away, let me ask the most basic question. What are you thankful for? We often think about what we don't have, but we seldom think about just how blessed we are. The measure of blessing isn't determined solely by the balance of your checking account. For me it's measured by the people we know, the people we've invested in, and the potential of those same people.
What about you? What are you thankful for? Today is a great day to remember where you've been and what God has brought you too. As you sit around your table this Thanksgiving with family & food, don't forget to express your thankfulness to those around the table and most importantly to the God who made it all possible.
Have a WONDERFUL holiday!!!
In a conversation I had with a few people over the weekend, we began talking about what we viewed as the biggest obstacle for most people in marriage, church, business, etc. That obstacle is commitment. Those things that are important in life require so much more than just a surface commitment. Here is a clip from an article I read this weekend.
The most important single factor in individual success is COMMITMENT. Commitment ignites action. To commit is to pledge yourself to a certain purpose or line of conduct. It also means practicing your beliefs consistently. There are, therefore, two fundamental conditions for commitment. The first is having a sound set of beliefs. There is an old saying that goes, "Stand for something or you'll fall for anything." The second is faithful adherence to those beliefs with your behavior. Possibly the best description of commitment is "persistence with a purpose".
Many successful business people are hailed as visionary leaders. On careful inspection they are found to be individuals who hold firmly to a simple set of commitments, usually grounded in beliefs such as "the best product money can buy", or the highest possible customer service". It is the strength of these commitments, religiously followed, that led to their business success.
I think the question everyone should ask themselves is this, "What am I committed to? And is that what God wants me to be committed to?" There are so many things to invest our time, energy, and money in but where is God telling us to invest it.
I encourage you to evaluate your commitments this week!