Things can never fill that void; it's a person. Only God can fill that whole because he is the only puzzle piece that fits. If you're single, you're not going to feel complete just because you get married. If your married and you're waiting for your spouse to complete you spiritually and emotionally, unfortunately, it's just not going to happen that way. Real hope, real life, real joy, and real fulfillment only comes from one place; God! What is your source today? Tap into a new source this week!
"Lord, we claim you as our source today. We need your affirmation this week. Whisper into our hearts just how much you love us and how valuable we are to you. AMEN!"
***Note: Here are the links to the two devotional books I mentioned yesterday in service.
My question is how do people who don't have a relationship with God find this out? Someone that isn't "Born again" or does not live their life for God - Does God call them eventually to come to Him?
Recently my sister invited me to a Broadway Musical playing in a local theater. She is always on the go with these types of events, traveling, wining, dining, lots of culture. She is very fortunate to have the money to live this way, but I worried the whole time about where God was in her life, how does she ever fill that void, does she even have it?
How can someone who seems so happy and blessed not know God? Or does she know Him and I am just not seeing it by the worldly things she partakes of? I worry that people who have everything they need (or that they seem to need) will not find Him?
I dunno, just pondering.
BTW, we are moving in a couple of weeks out there with Charlie - permanently!!!
Thanks and can't wait to see you at service!
Tammy Bennett
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