Summer has arrived! (ok, well at least it's June) The kids just got out of school this past Thursday so this is my first day home with them (Monday is typically my day off since Sunday is definately a work day). We just set up a basketball goal over the weekend so I have a feeling we'll be playing some basketball today. It's fun though, and I enjoy it. Jonathan is turning 11 years old on Wednesday the 17th, so I know I better take advantage of all the years possible when he still wants to be seen with me. Ha. ha.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for every season under heaven." If you live in Green Bay, you very thankful for any season that brings the temperature above 65 degree's. Just in the almost 3 years I've lived here, it has become very clear that summer is anticipated and celebrated. People have many different activities for summer. From the common ones like vacations and visits with family to culture specific "trip to the cabin." Summer is short and everyone tries to squeeze as much out of it as possible.
The challenge for everyone is to not allow the "season" to place our faith on hold. How do you think Jesus would have responded it the disciples said, "Hey Jesus, it's summer and we're not going to be able to follow you for the next 3 months. We'll hook back up with you in September!" I've heard a statement in the past few weeks that really stuck with me and I've repeated it several times. It's this, "It's not the evil things in life that derail our relationship with God, it's the other things." Very simply, it's not always bad things that get us off track in our relationship with God, sometimes it's good things. But we have to realize that good things can get in the way of the great God has for our lives.
Take this summer to rest, renew, and recharge. But realize that doesn't mean unplugging from God. Stay faithful to your commitments; church, service, tithe, relationships. Because when the summer is over, it's still your church family who will be waiting to spend the next 9 months with you!
Have a great summer!!!
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