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The marching orders have always been clear; GO & preach the gospel and make disciples. That's not simply the mantra for missionaries in countries like Uganda or Uruguay, that's the call for every born-again Christian worldwide.
We've been give the mandate to reach our world. That's not just some other country, that's most importantly our world that we live in on a daily basis. Maybe the best definition of world in this context is simply this; your world includes your regular sphere of influence. That would be your neighborhood, workplace, friends, and family at the least. Program this thought into the normative of your thinking; I AM A MISSIONARY! Until you truly believe that, your life won't reflect the Great Commission of Christ.
How we walk that out regularly can be summarized into two actions, give & go. The work of missions, both locally & nationally, requires a financial investment to advance forward. As you read this blog on your computer, in your heated house/apt., wearing one of many sets of clothes, realize that you are tremendously blessed and able to support the work of missions that reach out to those who need Christ. Consider this, are you willing to give 1 hours worth of pay per month for missions to advance locally, nationally, and internationally? In most cases, for every dollar you give it is multiplied in effectiveness.
Are you willing to go? Are you willing to invite a friend to church? Willing to reach out to them when they experience a death in the family? Are you willing to love them even when they act unlovable? Most people are willing to come to church, they just need someone to invite them; multiple times!
Help us Reach Our World right here in Green Bay!
Galatians 5:13 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. 14 For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (nlt)Such a simple principle, but such a hard application. It just isn't our natural reaction to think of others first. For example, if we walk up to the doughnut box our first thought isn't, "I don't want to take this just in case someone didn't get one." Our first thought is usually, "A doughnut for me!!! Didn't get one? Sorry Charlie!!!" We naturally take care of ourselves.
But Paul reminds us of Jesus words by reciting the second greatest commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself." It clearly means, consider others first and treat them the way you would want to be treated. Scripture is clear (1 Corinthians 12) that God has positioned each of us to serve one another. It's what makes God's church work. It's when you bring your gift/talent/ability together with others that the church becomes whole. And when each person serves others ultimately we are being served as well. As we strive to meet the needs of others, our needs will be met in return. We simply can't out give God.
One part of the DNA at Central is serving others. I challenge you to find a place to serve on a regular basis. I promise you, you will find that your life is far more fulfilled in doing so than it would ever be just sitting around thinking of only yourself.
Get connected, start growing, and commit to serving others!
On Sunday we celebrated 13 baptisms during our morning service. What a blast watching people whose lives have been changed by God. It's simply priceless. They are proof that when we CONNECT with God personally, purposefully, & passionately our lives can make a tremendous impact.
One great way we can grow in our faith journey is to connect with others on a regular basis. There is something special about doing life together with others who are going through the same or similar circumstances that we are. The launch of our new LifeGroups on Sunday, February 12 offers new groups & opportunities to connect. Check out the LifeGroups page on our website for all the details about the times & locations for each group.
Have a GREAT week!