On January 12, 2012 Haiti will celebrate the 2nd anniversary of one of the worst earthquakes in history and remember the day that changed their lives forever. We didn't have to look far to see devastation in all it's forms. The rubble of buildings and possessions were obvious, but just as real was the devastation to individual lives & families. Unemployment in Haiti is at 85%, a good paying job provides $150 per month, and most people are lucky if they have 1 meal per day. I'm proud that we've partnered with Convoy of Hope in the past to help provide hope for the future of Haiti and I look forward to making a more intentional commitment to them in the months to come.
Every time I visit third-world countries like this I always walk away with a sense of repentance and appreciation. Repentance for all the times I've complained about what I don't have and appreciation for what I've already been blessed with. If we allow ourselves to, we could spend all day making a list of what we want, haven't gotten, or things we feel we deserve. But we seldom take the time to equally count our blessings. We are blessed! I am blessed! God has richly blessed me, regardless of my bank balance or the status of my wishlist.
Let me challenge you to take 10 minutes this week and write down at least 25 blessings God has provided you with. Remember they aren't all going to be monetary. Then each day this week, review those blessings, add a few more and choose to thankful for all God's done for you!
Have a GREAT week!