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Is sexual purity still possible? Yes!!! It simply requires us to abandon our rules about sex and embrace the biblical guidelines God established. Instead of shying away from the topic or the discussion of it, we need to be upfront and open. According to God's Word, sex is both a biblical & natural thing. It's not something to be ashamed of or to be marginalized to closed door discussions. It's when we refuse to discuss it that we also hinder ourselves from finding freedom from sexual situations that are commonly affecting us in negative ways.
Where are you struggling in the pursuit of sexual purity? Is it pornography, tv & movies, internet content, or unhealthy emotional connections? Wherever you find yourself, you can find freedom from the things that would love to keep you bound up. The place to begin is by asking God to help you. Resist your enemy and he MUST leave! Second, talk to someone else; a friend or pastor. You need someone to fight this battle with you and to hold you accountable. Third, there are some great resources that can help you better understand the battles you are facing and how to fight back with biblical principles. Visit for a list of inexpensive resources you can buy to encourage and challenge you.
You can do this! Sexual purity is absolutely possible. Don't do this alone!
Have a GREAT week!
To listen to Pastor Aaron's message "Should Religion & Politics Mix?" visit
No matter how hard we may try, this idea of separating church & state just isn't Biblical. Christians should never consider separating their political views from the biblical morals and values of scripture. Those morals and values should be at the core of who we are not only on Sunday but also on election day.
This isn't about a specific party, candidate, or even economic situation. No church should tell you who to vote for; they shouldn't even have too. The convictions of God's Word should give every believer a clear understanding of who to select in a voting booth. Are leaders perfect? No. Are all leaders godly? No. But as Christians we've been called to elect officials who most closely align themselves with the principles of scripture.
There has never been and will never be the perfect candidate for any office. But our biblical mandate is to OBEY our elected leaders because their authority has been established by God. (Romans 13:1). The only time the Bible gives us permission to go against their authority is when the rule of law clearly goes against God's Word. It's also our mandate to PRAY. If Christians would simply take the time they spend complaining about government and use it to pray for government leaders, at minimum, it would at least change our focus and redirect our attitudes. We're also mandated to STAY. Stay involved with the system. Don't abdicate your responsibility to be aware, research issues and candidates, and most importantly go to the polls and cast a vote for Godly principles and values.
Is our government perfect? Absolutely not. But it's still the best thing this planet has to offer and we are blessed to be called Americans. Let's stand for truth in biblical ways and believe for God to intervene on our behalf as we stand for truth.
Encourage one another each day. - Hebrews 3:13 cev
The Ten Commandments of Encouragement.1. Speak to people. ~There is nothing as encouraging as a cheerful word of greeting.2. Smile at people. ~It takes 72 muscles to frown, but only 14 to smile.3. Be generous. ~Generous with praise, cautious with criticism. Recognition & appreciation are priceless.4. Be considerate. ~Considerate of feelings and opinions of others.5. Be alert to giving your time and efforts away. ~What counts most in life is what we do for others.6. Write a note of encouragement. ~Write to someone who is hurting. Include some scripture.7. Give physical affection. ~Let those you love know they are important in ways they can feel.8. Believe in others. ~Look for the good in people. Accept & encourage their unique personalities & traits.9. Life up the defeated. ~Through the promise and power of prayer.10. Give God's love away. ~Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus has written HOPE on our hearts.