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It is the struggle of all struggles. Who am I? What defines me? The essence of these questions finds it's foundations in our identity and value. So many people, both men & women, struggle with this. We crave acceptance, no matter the cost. We want to be secure in something; job, family, public status, or something. And we want our lives to be significant. We want it to count for something.
If we're not careful we can make it the focus of our lives and in doing so we can ultimately get way off track as it relates to God's plans for our lives. Just like that old song says "Looking for love in all the wrong places..." we can find ourselves trying to fill the void in our hearts and lives with things instead of the person of Jesus Christ. And where we tend to end up is in a place where we've tried to please everyone to get what we need, only to find out we're still empty and no better off.
We really do look for acceptance, security, and significance in all the wrong places. Those things can't be found in a bottle, in a relationship, with the perfect body, or with a bigger paycheck. Those things can only be found in Jesus Christ. He already accepts you (Romans 15:7), you are already secure in Him (Romans 8:35), and you were created for significance (John 15:16). Just believe it! Receive it! Start living it!!! Stop looking everywhere else and start walking in the unfailing love, acceptance, security, and purpose of God!
Have a GREAT week!
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (niv)If we aren't in a war, why does the Bible talk so much about it? If we aren't suppose to be part of this fight, why did God give us armor? If we are just supposed to lay down and get run over by our enemy, why are we commanded to engage our enemy in battle? Why? Because it was always Gods plan for his church, his redeemed, his children to pick up the weapons he's provided and go to war; a war that's already been won on the cross of Calvary. It's not more spiritual to stay on the sidelines and deny the war exists. Prayer? Yes. Frozen in fear? NO! God intended for us to get in the game, obey 1 Peter 5:9 & James 4:7, and resist our enemy. Resistance not denial.
You can win the battles you are facing on a daily basis. All you need to do is take up the weapons God's provided, attack your spiritual enemy, and hack him up.
I encourage you to take advantage of some great resources that we've provided on the Central Church website. At minimum, I encourage everyone to order the audio cd's "A Battle To Fight" (men), or "Finding Freedom" (women). These great audio teachings from John & Staci Eldredge will prove to be great insight into the devils tactics and how you can defeat him. I've also made available some books that will be a great read, including "The Beginners Guide To Spiritual Warfare." Reprogram your brain so your mind can respond to the attacks!
Have a GREAT week!