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It appears that 89-year-old radio preacher, Harold Camping, wasn't accurate on his mathematical equation of the end of the world. On Sunday, a representative said Camping was "somewhat bewildered and mystified". As a Christian, pastor, and more importantly, a person who reads the Bible I find it odd that Camping would be either bewildered or mystified. His predictions went in the face of Biblical truth that gives specific signs of the times that must happen first (& not all of them have yet) as well as the verses that declare that no one will know the day and hour as well as the rapture being at at time we wouldn't expect. At some point, Camping must have ignored the loving correction & accountability of many other prominent pastors & Christian leaders. Ultimately this can be added to the list of "Ridiculous Christian Moments" where even those of us who never believed or agreed with the prediction get lumped in with those who are more false prophet than Christian. (For more info on Harold Camping, his organization, and his lucrative financial empire please click this link.)
But regardless of this debunk prediction let me make be clear; the end is STILL near! We will never know the day, the hour, or the moment it will happen. But scripture is clear, Jesus is still coming back for his church. The Bible gives us some important signs that declare we are closer today than ever before to the rapture of the church. Take advantage of this embarrassing situation and turn it around for great discussion with those who are looking for REAL answers.
Have a GREAT day!
"....all things work together for good to those who love God...." Romans 8:28 (nasb)
One day while driving God brought this verse to my mind. It's not uncommon for me to have verses pop in my mind but the effect of this one disturbed me to my core. I think we would all like to think that at some measure or another we are somewhat aware of what God is up to in our life, job, health, relationships, etc. And while we can often see the effects of God, we seldom see the whole picture he is creating. What we would consider our vast knowledge is really just one pieces of the picture, one puzzle piece in a masterpiece that only the master can really see.
I've often known that God was doing things in my life behind the scenes that I didn't know about. But I always thought they were good things, things I would approve of. To be clear God doesn't make bad things happen to us, but he most certainly does allow the real struggles, pressures, and effects of this sinful world to affect us temporarily. There is one word in particular in this verse that disturbed me most; the world "all". God is using "all things" to work together for my good. Not only the positive things but also the negative. He's even using those things that I whine about the most. God merging both the good and the bad in my life to produce in me something more beautiful that I could have ever imagined.
It was in those few minutes in the car that I began doing something I've never done before. I began thanking God for all my problems. Prior to that day I don't think I've ever thanked him for anything except my blessings. But when I began to realize that he was also using my problems to mold, shape, refine, and prepare me I began to see a few more pieces of the picture than I ever had before. God is using ALL THINGS, everything in my life, with the end goal of using them all for my good. Stop complaining about "those things" and start praising God for "all things".
My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations... Mark 11:17 (nlt)Three times, in Matthew, Mark, & Luke, Jesus made the statement we read above. Three times he emphasized what the atmosphere of his house was supposed to be. Jesus didn't just make this statement simply to inform people, but also to correct what was an obvious problem in his day and ours as well. Name everything that happens at your local church. Adult, youth, and kids services, support groups, meetings, classes, activities, and yes, even prayer slips in there sometimes. I heard one person say, "You can have a concert at the church and pack the place out, but offer a prayer service and you're lucky to get 10 people. People will come for an artist, but Jesus can't draw a crowd!"
Unfortunately, this is more true than most of us would like to admit, not only in America in general but in our local churches specifically. It's amazing just how intentional we are to get to work, family functions, and personal appointments but God can't get on our calendar even for a few hours per week outside of our "semi-regular commitment" to a weekend service. My fear isn't so much the lack of prayer, but my greater fear is that we think everything is OK. We are very quickly turning into the Christians mentioned in 2 Timothy 3.
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. - 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (niv - emphasis mine)
What is the solution to this ungodly description? How do we stop being the great fakes and become authentic believers with salvation AND power? I believe it begins with a renewed commitment to prayer. At first it may only be scheduled and routine. Prayer is the LAST thing the devil wants you to do. That's why it's always so hard. He will do everything possible to keep you from it. But when you get reconnected to the source you will experience the power your life has been missing and so desperately needing.
Turn off the radio in the car and pray. At least then you know you will have 2 opportunities per day (plus it may keep your road rage to a minimum). Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. for worship & prayer in the sanctuary at Central. Corporate prayer can be powerful & effective. Doing nothing won't help. Schedule time with God today and watch things begin to turn around.
1 Corinthians 12:12 .....many parts make up one whole body. (nlt)
The human body is an amazing thing. More complex than we often realize and more potential than we ever utilize. It's not coincidence that the Apostle Paul used the human body and an example of what the modern day church was supposed to resemble. The church is also a complex organization of parts as well. Each part was intended to be depended upon as well as dependable to the rest of the body. For many church has become that thing they do on a Sunday morning for 60 minutes, but it was intended to be so much more than that.
It was intended to become part of our daily lives. The interaction with other believers, accountability, and support are elemental not only to being Christians but also to being human. We need one another. If our heart decided to take a day off not only would it hurt the body, it would kill the body. If your kidney's decided to quit the entire body would suffer. On their own, they can't survive, but without them neither can the remainder of the body.
God knew something about us; and he should since he created us. God knew we needed each other. He designed us not only with a need for a savior but also a need to connect with others who have been saved as well. His goal wasn't to separate us from the rest of the world, but to use us together to show the rest of the world God's love as well. Every person has a part to play. Whether big or small; every part is vital and important.