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I once heard someone say, "The only constant in life is change!" How true that is. Central is in a season of change right now. This week will be Pastor Tim & Misty's last week with us as our Worship Pastors. They joined the Central Team in November of 2007. They were the first full-time Worship Pastors Central has ever had in it's nearly 53 year history. Over the past 3 years they've progressively improved every aspect of of our worship, media, and technology ministries. They accepted a new position at Twin Rivers Church in Cooper City, Florida. We will miss them as they leave, but we also bless them as they step forward into God's fresh plans for their lives. Please don't miss the opportunity to express your personal thanks to them this Friday evening from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. as we host a reception for them in the Youth Room.
This season of change has also brought us our new Children's Pastors, Paul & Shelby Anglemyer. They just made the big move from Rapid City, South Dakota last week and are getting settle into their home in Green Bay. Along with their two children, Alyssa & Adrian, they come to Green Bay with 18+ years of children's ministry experience and are poised to lead Central's kids ministry to the next level. We are very excited to have them on Central's leadership team and we are looking forward to great things in our kids ministry in years to come.
So as we transition, keep Pastor Tim, Misty, & Gavin in prayer as they are in this exciting moving process. And as you do, also remember to pray as we search for our next worship pastor. Also keep the Anglemyers in your prayers as they get settle in and get things established for tremendous ministry. The future looks bright at Central Church as we take our Next Steps toward God's plans for our church and our city.
Have a GREAT week!
It's the morning after the NFC Championship game and the Packers walked away victorious! All around Green Bay you can sense the excitement and energy of the Pack heading to the Super Bowl. I even had a few people open the door for me at various places today. Who knew that going to the Super Bowl would make people nice (ha.ha.) I can't imagine how everyone is going to be over the next two weeks between now and the big game.
Just a thought......when was the last time you were equally excited to serve someone else with no strings attached? I'm excited about the Packers moving forward but I'm even more excited about what God wants to do in and through his church in Green Bay!!! Everyone of us was created to be a blessing to others by serving them in very simple and practical ways. What is it that you love to do? What is something you do regularly that others often compliment you on? I'll bet that your greatest abilities are found in there somewhere. What if you used those abilities to serve others?
Now that's something to cheer about!!!
There are a lot of things that change on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes too much to even keep up with. But think about this....of all the changes that affect us on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis how many of those changes are positive and life changing?
What if it was possible to affect the changes that happen? Would you be willing to do what it takes to see it happen? What if it involved prayer? Sure, we might say we pray but our prayers are usually pretty selfish and self-serving. When is the last time we not only presented our needs but also stopped long enough to let God talk to us in return?
Communication in any relationship is vital. The two key elements are talking & listening. If we only do the former without the later then we've failed at communicating in a way that is mutually beneficial. When God talks it has the potential to change us! No my situations may stay the same, but inside, I can be changed. Most days it feels like there is very little I truly have the ability to control. And while I certainly can't control God or his responses, I've found that every time I take even just a few moments to talk to him and listen, something inside me changes. My attitude, perspective, and emotions almost always take a turn for the better.
Do you want a better day? Do you want a life of hope and peace? Do you want to feel calm in the middle of the storm? Then stop for a just a few minutes several times a day to talk to God. You'll be amazed just how much those prayers change you!
Have a GREAT week!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Remember those early years in bed at night when suddenly out of know where fear overcame you? Your parents were just down the hall but you were sure there was something in the closet, a monster under the bed, or somebody just outside your window. It was in that moment that you got your first taste of a feeling called fear. While fear is a real feeling those things that we fear aren't nearly as real as they might originally seem. We would all like to believe that we no longer deal with fear like we did as a child but while the focus of our fears might have changed (there really is no monster under your bed ;-) the feeling itself is still very present , very raw, and very real. But just like earlier in life, the focus of our fear isn't nearly as real as we might believe. It's typically fear itself and the emotions, worry, and stress that turns out to be worse than the feared event, conversation, decision, or situation.
Truth replaces feelings; or at least it should. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but instead he's given us the ability to have a sound mind instead. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to worry about anything but instead to pray about everything. And when we do this it tells us that we will receive God's unbelievable peace for our hearts and minds.
I encourage you today, don't allow the Devil to use your mind as a playground! Don't allow your feelings to dictate your relationships, attitudes, or week. Be strong and courageous!! God will be with you wherever you go and he is able to give you the strength to make it through whatever life throws at you!
Life is an ever changing thing. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, things change. With a new year comes change as well. I've found that it's not always the big changes that produce the biggest results. Often it's the intentional small changes followed by consistency that proves to be most effective.
As you approach 2011, consider what small changes you could make in your family, at work, and in your personal life that could produce tremendous results. It may be more scheduled time with family or a better attitude at work. In your relationship with God, it might be as simple as reading one chapter of the New Testament per day. Even if you only did this 5 days a week you would read the entire N.T. in less than one year. What if you turned the radio off on the ride to work and simply prayed; talked to God just like you would a close friend. How would these small changes impact 2011?
The definition of insanity is: doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. Add some sanity to your year. Make some small changes and watch the big results happen in 2011!