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Luke 14:25-34
Yesterday, Pastor Aaron drove it home with his message "Traveler or Follower." It's funny how some information can shock you for a moment but once processed you really already knew it was true. That's how I felt about the George Barna statistic he shared. The report showed that approximately 82% of American's claim to be Christians. Barna then broke that into 2 groups; Committed Christians 22%, and Casual Christians 60% (stats may be a little off - just like my memory). Committed Christians are those who are wholeheartedly commited to God, His commands, His Church, and His values. Casual Christians are committed to all those things, as long as it's convenient. The minute it's not convenient, they bolt on Christian values and do whatever they want yet still claim to be a Christian.
This is probably the most frustrating thing to me. As a pastor, how am I supposed to lead an individual, a group, a church toward God's plans when 75% of the group on average (based on the stat) is going to take off when it's no longer convenient? Either we have to become followers or we have to stop lying and just admit we aren't Christians at all!!!! There is no such thing as a part-time Christian. This doesn't mean we will live our lives perfect. But it does mean we live our lives committed! Instead of planning to bail on our faith, we plan to stay committed to it and all that's required of it. If all a Christian does is attend a weekly service, then that's not Christianity. God's Word shows us he requires much more of us than that. I go to Starbucks 3 or 4 times a week. So if my identity is based on attending something, then I'm a Starbuckian.
Jesus tells us that to be a follower takes an intentional decision to lay everything at his feet and make him the priority. It simply means that we love him more than anything. And that love is expressed in everything we do, say, how we act, and how we live! I encourage you to do exactly what Jesus taught us to do. Take up your cross and follow him!
Over the weekend I attended the Voice Of The Martyrs conference that we assisted in bringing to Green Bay, which First Assembly graciously hosted. Thank you First Assembly and Pastor Pat & Diane Green! To say the conference, it's speakers, and their message was life-changing is a complete understatement. In one day I heard stories of persecution from Ethiopia, Pakistan, China, and Israel. Everyday around the world our brother's and sister's in Christ are threatened, attacked, and murdered for their faith.
As American Christians we don't think about this much and we especially have a hard time associating with the thought of having our lives taken from us because of our faith in Jesus Christ. We tend to believe that the rest of the world lives the same way we do. But the truth is it doesn't! As Christians in America we are BLESSED!!! We have freedoms only imagined by others around the world. One young lady from China who spent 6 years in prison simply because she was a Christian made a statement that challenged me. She said that after being released from prison she came to the U.S. and while here went to a church service at a large church. After sitting in the service for just a few moments she leaned over to the pastor and said, "Is this heaven? This is what I imagined it would be like." She marveled at the freedom to worship in the open with no fear of attack or death.
I encourage you to remember persecuted Christians around the world. They are our spiritual family. And one day we will spend eternity in heaven together with them. Let's pray that God will lead, guide, direct, provide, and protect them as they stand for their faith in the face of real and imminent persecution.
For more information about the persecuted church and those who have lived to tell their story, visit the website for Voice Of The Martyrs as well as sign up for their newsletter to stay updated.
Joshua 3:3-4
“When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, move out from your positions and follow them. Since you have never traveled this way before, they will guide you." (NLT)
I've found in life that you are in one of two positions; leader or follower. No matter how old you get, you will find yourself in one of these positions. And to be clear, it's ok to be either one. Sometimes we are the designated leader. It might be at work, in the social order of our city, our in our home. Other times we're positioned behind a leader, we aren't blazing the trail but follow someone who is.
Most people want to be the leader. Seldom do people volunteer to be the follower, but scripturally it takes both leaders and followers to accomplish the goals of the LORD. By ratio alone, there are typically more followers than leaders. The most common reasons why we struggle with following is an unwillingness to submit our selves to the leader, stubbornness, jealousy, or even pride. Show me someone who refuses to submit to authority and I'll show you someone who is still struggling to submit to God as well. Leaders and followers.
I love the context of this verse. Joshua is saying to the Israelites, "Listen, we are going to move forward, cross this river, and enter our promised land. But stick close! Follow the leaders because you've never been here before. If you do that, it's all going to be ok!" We have to be willing to admit at times that we've never been here before and we need to follow a God-appointed leader. When we refuse to follow the leader, God calls that rebellion!
This week, develop a new-found respect for leaders as well as followers. On any given day, we are one or the other. Understanding this positions us to walk in God's favor, blessing and will.