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I'm a _____________________ (fill in the blank). Everybody's answer may be a little different. Maybe you would fill in the blank with something like this; mom, factory worker, security guard, teacher, dad, carpenter, doctor, secretary, banker, landscaper, business owner, etc.... Those are great answers. Each of us could be described by who we are. But what about what we do? I spent 3 years in construction as a bricklayer but when I went home at night after a long day of work I wasn't a bricklayer, I was Mark; husband, Christian. Laying brick was what I did for a living, it didn't define my life. My life's purpose was and is much more significant than a 40 hour per week construction job. My life, like yours, is more than a job title and a paycheck. We have a purpose!
I have a friend back in St. Louis who is a plumber. We were born on exactly the same day, in exactly the same year; November 23, 1974. Brian is a plumber not because he has a business card that says it, but because he works on plumbing, everyday. He understands that it's not just enough to have the title of plumber, but he has to be actively involved in doing the work.
As a culture, we tend to thrive on the significance of titles. For example, you would much rather be called a Sanitation Engineer than to be called a Garbage Man. But there is a title that many use that is very significant although I think we've lost it's significance; Christian. We freely proclaim "I am a Christian", but what about what we do? You've likely heard the this old statement in the past but it's worth repeating. If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Would people say, "They are constantly showing people love. They are considering others before themselves. They are always looking for opportunities to share the hope of Jesus with others. They genuinely love others!" What would people say about you? I am often reminded that I can't just say I'm a Christian, I have to live it.
Today's a great day to self evaluate our lives and see what things we can continue to grow and improve in. Open the Word of God, it's filled with great instruction for your life!
Unless you live under a rock (a HUGE rock) you know that the kick-off to the football season is just around the corner. Another year for your team to take the field, continue last years success, or fix last years failures. As fans we tend to have a very one dimensional view of the game. When we go to the game or tune in on T.V. we automatically focus on that moment, the offense, the defense, the big play, and hopefully the imminent victory. At most we spend a few hours during the week thinking about the roster, this years potential, or just casually talking about this weeks game over a cup of coffee with a friend. Ultimately the game becomes the primary focus of the fan.
But the result of the game really isn't decided on the field standing opposite the opponent. The result of the game was determined, days, weeks, months before the first minute ticked off in an official game. Before the first snap of the ball individual players prepared themselves physically, mentally, emotionally for the challenges they will face. Because the player knows that the win is determined by how well they have prepared in training camp before the first game. They know their opponent, they prepare a game plan, and they set out to win.
In my life as a Christian I've found I too have an opponent. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith...(NIV)" The most foolish thing I can do is think that in my confrontations with him, I can be lazy about my preparation and still win. I can't just step onto the field unconditioned and unprepared or I'm going to get sacked. There are a lot of analogies in football such as, "Defense wins games", or "Offense wins games." I think it takes both. Most Christians only function in a defensive mode; we just want to survive the attack. But I believe that God intended for us to have a good offense as well. He didn't intend for us just to survive, he wants to attack and win! The only way you and I can ever develop a powerful offense and defense is by going to spiritual training camp; a.k.a. our daily alone time with God. It only happens when we open up the play book (the Bible) and get clear instruction from the coach (GOD). How you train in private will determine whether or not you win long before you ever face your spiritual opponent.
Do you want to the win instead of just survive? Train. Prepare. Expect your opponent. It's time for Christians to develop a powerful Holy Spirit offense!
" us prepare for our opponent.....teach through your Word and empower us through our prayers.....and may we experience huge victories because of your faithfulness. AMEN!"